Mr Wonderful

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Adrien's POV

She seemed annoyed - well that's my point though. I don't know why but there's a side of me that really wants to know more about her. I mean, she's just like the other girls but something in my head told me to go further into this. Should I listen to it?

I gave a slight smile as she walked away - grumpily. "Did you just talk to her?" suddenly Lauren appeared from nowhere. She stare cynically at the girl and handed me a cup of latte coffee, my fave. "Yeah," i nodded and chuckled a little remembering her funny expression. "Did something fun happened?" she asked suspiciously. Now i'm wondering why on earth Lauren interrogated me like this. She has never done this to me - i mean she's usually curious but not this way. "Earth to Adrien," she continued her strange act. "Um yeah," i nodded. I saw her took a sigh and continue drinking the coffee on her hand. "The coffee won't drink itself," she said when i was still staring at the direction Kate went - calling her Kate instead of Katelynn is so much easier and sounds better. "Oh, yeah, well, thanks for this," I raised my cup, thanking her. I put my lips to the edge of the paper thingy... "Ouch!" I jumped off my feet. "What?" she raised her eyebrows. "It's hot!" I groaned while trying to fill up my mouth with air to cool my tongue. She chuckled cynically and left. Now seriously, what on earth happened to my friend Lauren? She was acting strange and now she left me just like that.

It was almost the time to go home. I saw Kate - again - with her perfect curls bouncing up, down, right, and left as she walked to the locker room. "Hey you," I said, standing in front of her to block her way. "What?" she said without even looking at me. "Where are you going after this?" i asked. She squinted and stared at me confusedly. "What?" I frowned and shrugged my shoulders also with both of my arms opened widely. "Um, nowhere," she suddenly realised what she was doing. "Um, want to join me?" i asked. Suddenly i got nervous. Wait. Am i trying to ask her out? I don't know. i just want to hang with her, that's all. "Join you to where?" she sounds interested. She's still a tourist though. "I was inviting to a dinner only, actually. but i can show you a few places if you want," for a several seconds i was shocked with what i said. i don't even know the words I'm spitting out. Duh!

"Why are you suddenly nice to me?" she squinted and frowned again. "um, trying to fix a connection i guess," oh my God. what did I say? "Okay... that's quite weird after all you said to me," she said. "Seriously are you coming with me or no?" I tried to get out of this weird conversation. "Okay, okay, um, if you're just trying to be nice, I'm coming with you," suddenly i was relieved to hear what she said. "Good, now let's go," I said impatiently. "Wait, my bag!" she squealed and quickly ran back to her locker. "Ugh, clumsy American," I mumbled. "Okay ready," she said with her bag slinging on her nashoulder and a camera bag held on the other hand. We walked to my Ferrari that I parked in front of the studio. We both jumped in and i quickly hit the gas pedal and rushed to a cafe not far from there.

"So, where do you live?" i started the conversation. "Manhattan," she answered. "I mean where do stay here, at Paris," I explained. She giggled a little bit. She's quite nice I have to admit. She mentioned one of the most famous hotel in the city -no doubt she has a good taste.

I finally stopped the engine after finding a perfect place to park my car. The hanging lights were reflected on the sides of my Ferrari. "Whoa," she said, looking amazed. "This is one of my favourite, i hope you liie the foods," i said. She nodded with a big smile. I think I'm starting liking her smile. It's just so cheerful and bright. Wait. What?!

We entered the entrance. The interior was cozy but formal - there are a few chandeliers hanging in the middle of the room, giving a smooth and relaxing effect. I glared at Kate; she looked impressed.

Katelynn's POV

"This is not yet the best part," Adrien said like he can read my mind. "Really?" I think i haven't blinked since i entered this amazing restaurant. We walked further into the room. There is a big window, showing a beautiful view out there. It was a canal! At the corner, there's a door which was also made of glass. Adrien opened the door and pleased me to walked. Okay it's clearly the most romantic place I've ever seen. It was a wooden balcony with pairs of tables complete with a candle on each and two elegant wine glasses. From the seats we can clearly see the beautiful canal with many boats and canoes floating gracefully around. There is also a live music from a small stage at the corner of the "balcony" and it's playing moon river. I also saw a few couples, chatting happily with a glass of wine on their hands - and they're all classy from top to toe.

i tried to ignore all of the splendor around me because I didn't fit with them. "What are you worrying of?" suddenly Adrien spoke up. He's seriously a mind reader. "Nah, it's just everything's so luxurious in here," I said. "It's okay, they don't know us," he said as he suddenly put his arm around my shoulder. I stared at him unbelievably. I didn't say anything because i thought it was their culture and it's something very very normal to happen. "Eh," suddenly he's awaken and realized what he did. "Sorry," he whispered awkwardly. "Nah, that's fine," i gave an it's-not-a-big-deal smile. "You mean it's fine to do it?" he asked. "Um, no, i mean it's okay because i know you didn't mean to do it-" i paused. "or are you?" i raised my eyebrow suspiciously. He chuckled a bit. "It's getting more awkward, let's decide to never talk about this again," I smiled cheesily and nodded.

"Please," he pulled a chair for me. "Uh, thanks," I said nervously. I've never been treated this way, i bet he knows everything to treat women. He must be a player, right? A girl dressed in waitress uniform walked toward our table. She handed us the menu book. I saw her glaring at Adrien a few times but i don't really care. It's getting stranger when she started to smile and stare at him again nervously. I was seriously curious but i think it's not my business. She then bowed down and leave us. After a few mins, she suddenly came back - half running - to Adrien's direction. "I'm so sorry and i know this is rude but are you monsieur Adrien Corneille?" she said in a high tone and fluent English but still with a strict French accent. "hm," Adrien nodded while staring arrogantly to the waitress. "May-may I take a picture with you," she said breathlessly while trying her best to hide her wide grin. Adrien looked around before he nodded to the girl - she was blushing and hasn't stop inhaling her breathe since a few seconds ago. They took a selfie and after that the girl bowed again several times. "Thank you so much! Quite sad you have such a beautiful girlfriend," she said glaring at me. "Uh, no, I'm not-' before i finished my sentence, Adrien cut me off, "Yes, I'm so lucky, right?" he grinned and the girl nodded. "Once again, sorry for interrupting, please enjoy the rest of your night," she finally took a bow and leave us. "Hey, what was that?" I asked confused and suspiciously. "I just want to make her leave," he grinned and chuckled a little. I frowned and continued, "By the way, how can she know you?" I asked. "Seriously, I'm the finest model here in Paris. No one doesn't know me!" he said proudly and gave me a paralyzing glare.

What did he do? Seriously that glare just killed me. "Whatever," i choked. "So, um, what's the favorite here?" i asked after a few mins confusedly flipping the pages. "This one," he suddenly pointed at a menu which i have no idea what is it. However that thing looked eatable so i decided to order it. "I'm treating you tonight," he said with a hot smile. i have to admit it, his smile is HOT. he's the finest model in Paris ain't he?

"Whoa, that's the nicest of you," i smirked. he's not bad at all. "Sure. You're my guest tonight," he smiled again, showing two perfect dimples. I did nothing but smile the rest of the night.

Thanks for making last night one of the most amazing night in my life. I have to admit it you're seriously every girls' dream. You're good looking, talented, and famous. I was thanking you for the delightful dinner, bright foods, romantic place, and of course you being so nice to me. I wish this. wasn't only just a dream, Mr Wonderful.

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