Stuck in a Basement!

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It was a normal day for everyone in the house. Junior is in the playroom with Thomas. Junior was taking out his Thomas trains.

Junior: Hey Thomas! Do you know what that thing is?

Thomas: It's me!

Junior: Good! And what's that again?

Thomas: That's also me! But smaller!

Junior: Good job! And...

Jeffy: Hey Junior!

Junior: WHOA!!! JEFFY!!! Where did you come from?!

Jeffy: I think I found something hidden around the house. I think it led to somewhere.

Junior: Wait really?! Hopefully you didn't put a prank on me.

Jeffy: Follow me!

Junior: Sorry, Thomas. I'll get back to you after we're done.

Thomas: Ok...I see...

Living room

Junior: Living room? How come there's hidden area here?

Jeffy: Look at this.

Jeffy went near the fireplace to remove the glass and then he moved on of the woods which caused the hidden trapdoor to open!

Junior: Whoa! Jeffy! How did you find it?!

Jeffy: I was messing around with the fireplace and I accidentally set something off and this entrance here is opened!

Junior: That's awesome! How come no one in the house noticed this?!

Jeffy: No idea, but let's go inside. Should we?

Junior: Yeah! Let's do it!

Jeffy and Junior then entered into the basement!

SML House Basement

Junior: Why is it so dark in here?!

Jeffy: Forgot to turn on the light.

Jeffy turned on the light and the light revealed the basement!

Junior: Look at this! It's amazing!

Jeffy: I had an idea! Maybe this should be our secret clubroom!

Junior: Good idea, Jeffy!

Suddenly, the trapdoor closed behind them!

Jeffy: Huh?!

Junior: The entrance! It closed on itself!

Junior tried to open the trapdoor with his hands but he couldn't!

Junior: I can't open it! We're trapped!

Jeffy: Oh no!

Junior: What are we gonna do now?!

Jeffy: Used your phone to call anyone in the house?

Junior: Oh crap! I left my phone outside! What about you?

Jeffy: I actually ended up giving my phone to the train.

Junior: Wait what?!

Meanwhile with Thomas with Jeffy's phone.

Thomas: What's this thing? It looks interesting.

Marvin opened the door to Junior's room.

Marvin: Hey, you there. Have you seen Jeffy anywhere?

Thomas: No, but he gave me this.

Marvin: That's Jeffy's phone! Oh no! How am I gonna call him when he goes missing?!

Braxton: my son! Junior's not here as well! I only saw his phone there!

Marvin: What?! We have to find them before it's too late!

Back to Junior and Jeffy.

Junior: Jeffy you idiot! We're stuck here and now we're going to die from either no food or water here!

They heard some stomps.

Jeffy: Junior? What was that?

Junior: I don't know, Jeffy. But I think someone's in there!

???: Who dare to enter my secret room?!

Junior: AHHH!!! We're going to get killed!

???: What? I'm not here to kill you!

Junior: Then who are you?! Why are you doing here?!

???: Why am I here? I lived here now! And you probably don't know who am I, aren't you?

The mysterious figure walked out the dark area, Jeffy and Junior were surprised, it was Duggie!

Jeffy: Whoa, hold on! Are you that guy that my daddy has been talking about?

Duggie: Of course I am! It's your boy Duggie! Marvin knew me very well!

Junior: Duggie, how do you end up disappeared in this house?

Duggie: Well it's because I'm the unfavourite around this house, I know that everyone will forget about me. But it's fine! I got lots of Kool-Aid and KFCs in my room! and I got my PlayStation 5 here! And a collection of Call of Duty games!

Junior: Wait! That's my PlayStation 5! You stole it from me! No wonder why it went missing.

Jeffy: So me and Junior got trapped in this place, how do we get out?

Duggie: Oh that's easy! You're just pull this down!

Duggie pulled one of the boards down and the trapdoor opened!

Junior: do we not notice this earlier?

Duggie: I kept everything here secret, now before you left. Don't tell Marvin that I'm actually here in the house. Ok? Otherwise I would have you locked up here forever if you did!

Junior: Ok...sir...we won't! Just don't left me here to die.

Duggie: Good, now get out here and enjoy the fresh air!

Jeffy: Bye Duggie! It's nice to get to know you!

Duggie: Yeah, bye whatever kid.

Living room

Jeffy and Junior found themselves back at the living room, the hidden entrance then closed.

Junior: We're free, Jeffy!

Jeffy: Yeah! I'm glad it's over!

Marvin: Jeffy! I found you!

Braxton: So you two have been in the living room the whole time?!

Jeffy: Well I can explain! Me and Junior got-

Junior: *Whispers* No! Jeffy! Duggie told us not to say it out loud!

Marvin: What was that?!

Junior: Nothing!

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