
Ditching my usual attire I'd opted for a long sleeve shirt with a random hardware store logo and some comfy overalls. Drew was currently braiding my hair while I sat on the floor tying up my sneakers. My gaze drifted through the nearly bare bedroom and I felt a small pang in my chest. It was now Saturday and I'd just finalized all the paperwork last week.

Mid-July and I was finally moving in on Tuesday to a new place void of Drew and Olive, I would cry but it seems we all emptied ourselves out these past three days while we packed up every and any thing that could remind someone that I once lived here. Olive would be moving out in a week and Drew had already moved all her belongings to her boyfriends place yesterday but she was still sleeping here because we promised to stick together till the last of us left.

At the door Olive let out a loud sigh making her presence known. In the living room the tv was blasting the latest baseball game. Drew's boyfriend Jace and our friend Dereck had offered to help all of us with the heavy lifting during the moving process.

Coming over to sit next to us Olive pouted at the sight of my empty walls "What am I going to do without you guys!" she flung her arms around us disrupting Drew from finishing the second braid. Patting her arm I made sure to offer an extensive list of new fun things we could do, when it came to Olive any fun activity was enough to distract her "You have to throw a party at your new place. Both of you!" she clapped as Drew stood up finally having completed the braids "You know Jace's place doesn't allow parties." she was already resting her hands on her hips with that stern look she only uses on us and the kids at the daycare.

Per usual Olive rolled her eyes slinking down to meet my gaze "Well then Mila all of our hope for the last good summer party rest in your hands." she bopped my nose and I glanced over at Drew but it seemed even she was in agreement with this.

Getting up I waved my arms dismissing the idea "I barely managed to snag this place, I cannot afford making any bad impressions." but my protest were to no avail and soon everyone was dead set on having the party at my place.

Around lunchtime I offered to pick up the take out and Dereck decided to tag along. It had been a while since we'd last spoken, specifically the winter break of our Junior year. We had never officially dated but it was the holiday season and both of us seemed to have liked the distraction from our otherwise busy schedules. Still the walk to the diner by the intersection wasn't as awkward as I'd imagined it would be.

Picking up the order we finally managed to break through the small talk "Jace mentioned you're moving to those apartments by sixth street?" his voice was as soft as ever and it reminded me of why we'd initially been drawn to each other. Of course I was no idiot I'd remembered last night when Drew mentioned Dereck would be helping that he actually lived close by to Levi's place.

Fidgeting with the bag handles I nodded "Levi's moving out so I decided to take the opportunity." he stood still for a moment and I looked back at him unsure of whether there had been something we'd forgotten or maybe he'd gotten distracted but instead I was met with a look I knew all too well.

The same look he wore the day he called things off, that look of longing laced with regret. Half a year later and somehow it still managed to crush a small part of me, how was it that looking at him now hurt more than when it first happened?

His lips parted as if still thinking of what to say and I averted my gaze at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he saw that same look in my eyes. And if he did, what would that make of us? Had too much time passed us by already?

Taking a step closer he took a deep breath before speaking up. In me something stirred, nerves at the thought of what could come. Was I really ready for a curveball of this size? Would starting things with Dereck again be all that bad?

Mila & Theo, The Apartment Series Where stories live. Discover now