chapter 24 : The third evidence

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Donut Dave is driving everyone back to Adventure Bay . Dr Zero is still with them . Once they're arrive at Adventure Bay , everyone exit the police car . Remedy Shawn walk up to the paw patrol with a file on his hand .

Remedy Shawn : You all are back .

Chase : Yeah .

Hank Terron : But too bad for Agent Spy . He been turn into a monster and we kill him .

Remedy Shawn : Oh , I'm sorry to hear that . Oh and here's the file I was about to give it to you .

Ryder take the file from Remedy Shawn and Shawn left them . Ryder look at the file and realize it was their third evidence .

Ryder : Looks like we found our third evidence . And it said “ About Me ” .

Marshall : About me ? Does this about me is about someone like Mysterious Shadow ?

Ryder : I think it is . There's even some pictures about himself create people into monster .

Chase : Wait , what kind of pictures about himself create people into mutant creatures or monster ?

Ryder : Look at those pictures .

Everyone look at the pictures . The first picture is Mysterious Shadow placing the citizens inside the coffin for his experience fail , the second picture is Vincent helps Mysterious Shadow do some surgery on the person , the third picture is people started turn into a mutant creatures and the forth picture is Mysterious Shadow inject them with a zombie cure .

Howie Roger Jones : This guy is unbelievable .

Skye : He is way , way , way evil .

Liberty : I really want to punch him unconscious with my special pup paw punch .

Ryder : Not even that . I even found a piece of paper written by Mysterious Shadow .

Zuma : Can you wead it fow us ?

Ryder : Sure . It said ...


Mysterious Shadow ( in voice ) :

  It's been seven years after I created This zombie cure . It was the greatest creation I even made . Let me tell you how I create this cure .

  Day 1 in Adventure Bay , I was 12 years old and my parents knew I was the smartest kid in school . Everyone love my intelligent brain and most of all my smart chemical reaction .

  Day 2 in Adventure Bay , I was now 15 year old . My parents started to get a bit old , I started studying at Adventure Bay middle school and I started to have many friends . I felt myself very happy .

  Day 3 in Adventure Bay , I'm now 18 years old . I use to have many friends but things started to get downhill for me . Because of me , I was a fool trusted them for being my friend . I felt myself a loner and very angry .

  4 days pass , my parents passed away and I felt myself alone in the house . Finally , I saw a beautiful girl looking at me . She walks toward at me and I found myself started in love with her . After that , I started getting marry her and she lives with me . It was the happiest day of my life .

  6 days pass , my wife started give birth and we are having a girl . I hold the baby and felt my fingers is touching the baby finger . 5 years pass , my daughter Diane started turn 15 and she's ready to go to school . Somehow I really want to get a bit of revenge , I take out a syringe , fill up with my zombie cure and started waiting for her to sit with me . Once I saw her sitting on the couch with me , I injected her and she fall on the floor . I grab her and tie her up inside the basement storage room with chain . You can refer how I made the cure on my first file of documents .

  Afternoon , my daughter got home from school . She asks me where's her mom and I lie to her and said she went out . She looks confused and put her stuff to her bedroom . I look at my daughter creepily and started entering the basement before she found out I was doing something .

  Nighttime , my daughter found me entering the basement . She follows me and I heard footsteps coming from the basement walking down stairs . I take out an injection fill with cure and wait . I saw my daughter is explore the basement , I got up and injected her with cure . I tie her up with her zombified mom with cheer . Now I have ready to becoming the most evil villain in Adventure Bay .

  It's 2022 and I realize Adventure City is now open back in 2021 . I started calling myself Mysterious Shadow because of my name Dusty Jones . The old me have been gone and I started becoming the new me . The shadowy scientist .


Ryder : I think Mysterious Shadow have started becoming a villain .

Rocky : Wait , then where's is he ?

Ryder : I don't know but all we need is the last evidence so we can proof Mysterious Shadow is causing the outbreak .


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