Inside the forest (ch. 1)

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The forest wasn't entirely visible from where the mansion was standing, due to the distance and the dense fog that surrounded the forest.

And just as expected, our "Idiots" decided they would enter the forest and answer the question themselves.

After getting comfortable and exploring the place for a little while, they formed a plan.
That night, they grabbed some rope, flashlights, weapons, a first-aid kit and some water, and set out into the forest.

They took the narrow passageway in the library, behind a very specific bookshelf, which led to the backyard.

After getting out the small gate of the backyard,
they switched on their flashlights, their hands clenched onto one another's, somehow gathering courage with their each step.

After walking about half a mile, they reached near the board which separated the forest from the rest of the island. The board read:


Well, they did exactly that.

After going a little deeper into the forest, it got denser.
They heard movement and rumbling.
They couldn't see what it was due to the dense fog that surrounded the forest.
They played it a little smart, and decided to hide instead of following the sounds.

After a while of just sitting and waiting, they could further, as the fog had somewhat cleared up.

They could see it.....

Ara spoke up in doubt, "Is that a grave? Or just a piece of some rock?"

The sounds increased....

Iro confirmed it to be a grave.

Kashi pointed at many other graves that sat there still in the moonlight.

They could feel sounds approaching closer.

And the next second, before they could utter a word, a partially decomposed hand crawled out of the grave infront of them.

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