Epilogue II.

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Mallory Roosevelt.

"Oh I'm so tired, I know I should've taken time to rest back there." Mallory whined as he finally walked into his home, Hilda behind him carrying baby Mikah. "You're the one who insisted we just go through with everything all at once." Hilda joked as she gently placed the one year old on the large couch still asleep. "The house needs to be ready, Harley agreed to host Reece and Matty here, plus I've been wanting to meet some of my husband's actual friends for a long while, you know him, cold and brooding but lovable as a teddy bear." Mal joked as Hilda laughed as well, it was a well known fact that Harley Roosevelt was a no nonsense alpha wolf, the toughest lawyer you could find in the growing semi rural vilage of Casterly, but above all the best husband and father to his growing family.

"Dont I know it." Hilda added causing a chuckle to escape Mal's lips. "So how goes trying for a baby, anything new?" Mal asked his closest friend and now partner at their vet clinic, the woman sighed before a grin broke out on her face."Remember that week I told you that Zach's soda pop made me dry heave in the morning and his cologne really made me nauseous?" Hilda questioned and Mal nodded. "I should've really listened to the signs, I met doctor Oldberg later that week and he confirmed it, I'm pregnant!" Hilda almost shrieked in her cheer and Mal joined her, the two of them well mostly Hilda was jumping up and down in glee. "Oh my Goddess, Hilda I'm so happy for you!" Mal cheered as he hugged his friend in a tight embrace.

"Now we can be pregnancy buddies." Hilda stated and the notion made Mal smile even more happily, with the excess amounts of sex Mal had with his husband it shouldn't have surprised him or anyone else that he was pregnant again with their second child when their first born was barely past a year old, but that didn't matter. "Bullocks." Mal suddenly muttered as baby Mikah whined and soon enough he choked and broke into a cry. "Oh my baby, daddy's here, don't worry, daddy is here." Mal cooed his son who didnt cry for long as he held him by his chest, soothing his cries. "Oh you're such a natural with him." Hilda commented as she looked at Mal and Mikah, then a scoff escaped Mal's lips. "He's kept me up most nights, and Harley too, never mind when he had a fever, I was so worried then I remembered my parent's notes, I'm so glad I have those, they helped immensely." Mal exclaimed as he still soothed his son whilst grabbing the apple mix baby food his own homemade recipe that seemed to do the trick with Mikah, for a baby he was large, it could be credited to him being a werewolf pup, an alpha werewolf pup.

"You have got to teach me how to make this." Hilda stated as she tasted the baby food which made Mal chuckle. "No worries, I'll teach you, so how's Zach and the new job?" Mal asked as Hilda sighed. "It's what he wants but it's exhausting, the reward is sweet in the end but I just wish sometimes he was home more often to enjoy the pregnancy with me." Hilda confessed and Mal comforted his friend with a back rub. "I'm sure soon he'll be done and you'll be yelling at him when your mood swings are literally everywhere." Mal added as both he and Hilda laughed, baby Mikah also joined in. "How did Harley deal with your mood swings?" Hilda questioned and a blush covered Mal's face, if only Harley could see it now, he'd be proud of his handiwork. "Let's just say we had to replace our bed and the larger dining room table, a few cabinets too, basically I gave way to the renovation of the house." Mal mumbled in absolute mortification as he recalled all the times Harley had fucked him, really just rammed his cock inside of him chased away the mood swings leaving him lucid.

The explanation to Hilda left her laughing hard, obviously she would laugh at his embarrassment. "I cant help it I'm sorry." She apologized as Ranger trotted into the kitchen. "Hey big boy, done sleeping for the day." Mal rubbed the dog, he was nolonger the puppy he adopted but Ranger's breed rarely grew to be large, he was still small. "I swear your dog doesn't age." Hilda finally cut in as she placed all of Mal's groceries into the proper shelves. "I know, it's like every time I look at him, I just see the puppy we adopted and thanks for the help." Mallory replied as Hilda waved it off. "Blimey, I have to go Mal, I forgot my mother in law is coming for dinner, I need to put on the facade that I actually care about her china, I mean seriously Zach broke half the set when he wanted to juggle them." Hilda blurted out and a snort came from Mal before full blown laughter.

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