Harley & Mallory.
"Good morning Doctor Roosevelt." Harley greeted his mate as they lay in bed, it was a snowy yet beautiful morning and Harley enjoyed waking up in his mate's arms. "Good morning Sir Roosevelt." Mal replied with a yawn that made Harley's wolf coo. "Are you somehow imposing your surname on me because I like it." Harley growled and began tickling his mate. "Stop, Har—stop!" He began to wheeze in between his giggles and laughter.
"No I won't, you're too sensitive not to do this." Harley defended as he kept on his assault on Mal's body, Mal overturned the situation when he hit Harley with a pillow, of course, the pillow burst open and feathers along with foam burst from it. "Oh you're on lover." Harley growled and lightly hit Mal, the two began bouncing on the bed as they fought, it was childish and unlike them both, but no one was there, no one would see them and no one would care anyway, they didn't.
"I'm gonna get you!" Harley exclaimed and tackled his mate onto the bed, Mal screamed as he went down but the two of them burst into another fit of laughter. "Do I win for taking you down?" Harley grinned as he snaked his way onto Mal's nipples. "Depends." Mal conceded. "On what exactly?" Harley questioned as he assaulted Mal's neck with bites and kisses. "Uhh, uhm, you help me get to the bathroom and we finish this there." Mal stated with a fond look in his eyes and Harley lifted him up with ease and walked to the bathroom.
After cleaning up and several rounds of sex Harley finally left Mal to finish his bath so he could make breakfast. It was cold as usual but lately, the cold didn't bother Mallory, he was warm and happy, he didn't need to do anything to smile, thinking of his mate made his lips curve into a goofy grin, like they were right now. He sighed knowing appointments were piling up and he needed to show up for work at some point.
He got out of the tub, dried his body along with applying lotion but his hair was moisturized with Harley's moisturizer because somehow it worked better than his own and his hair was practically glowing, he picked out a suit for his man and a somewhat semi professional attire for himself, it was a lazy day and he wasn't even going to try. "Babe breakfast." Harley called through the mind link just as he finished wearing his shoes.
Mal made his way downstairs with a smile, the smell of food reminded of dinner, Harley was spoiling him, when he got to the kitchen the breakfast sausages which were supposed to smell divine made his stomach grumble, the wrong way. "Please get that out of here." He complained and immediately Harley removed it. "You feeling okay?" He questioned but Mal was still settling his stomach. "Yeah better, I don't know what's wrong with me, I love those." Mal whined and Harley seemed concerned about his mate.
"I will make an appointment with Dr. Oldberg, he should know if something is wrong." Harley offered the rest of the food and Mal ate hungrily, he didn't argue with Harley, he could feel the literal concern dripping off him through their bond. "He said two thirty next week Wednesday." Harley informed his mate and Mal nodded gratefully, he needed to know as well.
In the time he had been living with Harley which was close to a few weeks or rather months, Mal couldn't really remember, he had taken care of his health perfectly, and had more sex in that time than his whole life which begs the question what was wrong with him, he didn't dwell on it as Harley began telling him about a case he was to work on, about a murder he wasn't too fond of. "You do know he's guilty right?" Mal asserted and Harley nodded. "My job is to make a better story, and prove he's not guilty, it's what I'm being paid for." He replied with a lopsided grin and Mal snorted.

WerewolfMallory always kept to himself, he liked living his life away from the prying eyes of the people of Casterly, with his clinic in top shape he had everything he wanted but that's what people thought. Harley couldn't bring himself to kill his little b...