A/N: Thank you!

55 4 67

Total WC: 30, 406

Dedicated to: YOU

So... we're done! I had SO much planned out, SO much scraped, and SO many extra words. Ava's original end was her death, but I thought it was too brutal since (unlike normal horror folk) she didn't get the doll by herself. Same for Marlon. So here I am, unexpectedly, writing a happy ending.

A lot of times I thought I wouldn't make it, a lot of times I gave up, but here we are - together - at the end. Thank you so, so much!

I honestly thought I would have more to say... But I don't. Just thank you. A million times over.

Here are a few songs I used to listen frequently while writing:

1. Chaotic

2. La Di Die

3. In the Middle of the Night (Violin Cover)

4. We Don't Talk About Bruno (Violin cover)

(Bizarre collection; I know!)

Well, that's really all I had to say. I had planned out an evil Marlon route too. And why Ava didn't get a surname. Most of it unfortunately got scrapped as I went on writing. But I'm happy with the end result, and I truly hope you are too.

Have a great day/night ahead!

With love,



Humane got featured by the official Low Fantasy profile! I'm so happy and thankful!

Humane got featured by the official Low Fantasy profile! I'm so happy and thankful!

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