you're moving out

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If you are moving out and you are worried read this:

Don't feel bad about moving away from your family, I mean like they have done it once in their life, it's now you're time. They will get over the fact that they don't need to do everything for you.

If you are upset, it will be fine. Maybe not straight away but it will be eventually. Take it at your pace.

Think of your life as a book. Moving out isn't a bad thing, it just means that you are going on to the next chapter in your life.

Don't rush things because you feel the need to impress people. Going at your pace will impress people because you are learning to make your own decisions without help.

Even if you still feel down, remember you can always go and visit. Just because you have moved out, doesn't mean you ate not allowed to go see them every once in a while.

Just live your life how you want to. Don't hold back. If you need to move out, then do it. You will only regret not doing it later in your life.


Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, good.

Eat or drink, you deserve it.

If you have anything you want me to give you advice on, message me or comment.

229 words.

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