You are coming out

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If you are worried to come out as gay, don't be. You can love who ever you want to, no one should tell you any different. If they don't accept you, it's not the end of the world.

It just means that they might not know enough to understand. Or because they grew up, being taught that being gay is bad. Well, it's ok to be gay.

Love who you want to love, don't let being gay change which you are. If you get bullied for it, ignore them. They are just jealous of you, they are probably one of two things.

One, they are to scared to come out as gay themself. This is why they take it out on you. They don't like how you are so open about it and they know that they will never be as brave as you.

Two, they know they can get a reaction out of you. If you get bullied, you tend to fight back. To stop this, don't give a reaction. They will give up because you're showing that you don't care.

Be proud of who you are. You can like whoever you want to. Don't let very few people stop you. You will always be loved.


Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I might of went of topic a little but it doesn't matter.

Eat or drink, you deserve it.

If you have any ideas for another chapter, either message me or comment.

247 words.

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