Chapter Three

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It's past sunset, Alastor has put Cuphead to sleep and now they are heading to Creeeper woods.
They have been walking for about 3 hours and they still cant find the woods.
"You know " said Alastor. "Maybe it would have been a better idea for me to have teleported us there?"
"Yes, but what's adventure without geting lost!?" Said foxy, he was leading the group. He was holding the map upside down.
Alastor snatched the map away from Foxy, and used it to make a portal to the creeper woods."Ok, get in." He said, pointing to the portal with his Microphone staff.
Foxy was shoved into the Portal by Bendy, and then she jumped in after him. Following behind them was Soonic, Mangle, Leaf and finaly Alastor.
Once Alastor made it through the portal, he saw everyone was on the ground."why are you just laying there?"
"Because we are going to take a nap." Bendy replied sarcastically. "We fell from your stupid portal, why else would we be on the ground!"
Alastor ignored what she said and took a look around. He spotted two white tipped fox tails hide behind some trees, and a two Creepers chasing after them. One had a little yellow backpack with fox ears on them and the other had an orange version of the same backpack.
"Gosh darn it, he's back." Said Bendy. "How the heck did he even get here?"
"Who knows, but this adventure just got better!!" Foxy said. He grabbed Bendys arm and dragged her twords the direction the creepers went.
Bendy pretty much froze after those words. "Ayo, WHAT." Befor she could say anything else, she was already behind Tails and saw something that left everyone without words.
Tails was baby talking to an army Creepers. The once that got more attention from him had labels on their backpacks. The one with the yellow back pack was named 'Crunchy'and the one with the orange backpack was named 'Hisstopher'.
Bendy let out a loud squeal at the cuteness of the situation. Tails almost jumped out of his skin apron hearing that, and so did everyone else. He turned back and noticed he had been caught. "...You saw NOTHING!" His face was as red as a beat. Everyone was at lost for words.
"Oh, I saw everything! That was adorable!" Bendy was pretty much half way dead from the cute surprise.
Tails just stared at the group behind Bendy, and then at Bendy herself befor shouting "ATTACK!!" And threw a bomb at them. The creepers ran after the group, ready to explote.
And just like that, another fight broke out. Instead of actually killing the creepers though, Bendy was just knocking them out, she really didn't want to harm such an adorable thing.
The battle took a lot longer then the zombie one. Mostly because some vindicator also joined the battle.
Tails' eyes scanned the battlefield and he saw something that made him burst out sobbing. "CRUNCHY!! HISSTOPHER!! ARE YOU OK??" My guy teleported to their side. "MY BAB- I mean, MY ARMY! HOW COULD!"
Bendy covered her nonexistent ears."calmate niño, they are fine, we just knocked them out."
Alastor and Foxy looked at Bendy. "We were supposed to knock them out??" Foxy said with a worried look of relations. Bendy turned to Foxy and saw his hook covered in blood, vindicator blood. A feeling of nausea took over Bendy at the sight of blood. She ran to the nearest Bush and puked ink. Everyone winced at the noise of ink splattering on the ground.
Tails got too disgusted. He held onto his two favorite creepers and flew away with his hover boots.
When bendy looked back, she saw he wasn't there. "Huh. Guess he has better things to do." She said.
"Let's just go explore the woods already!" Yelled Soonic. And everyone followed him around the woods. And foxy was right, there was a lot of 'booty' around. Most of it seemed to be battle gear. Bendy found a sack of emeralds and didn't share them with anyone. As they kept exploring, Mangle stumbled apon a small camp of Illagers.
"Guys! Come over here quick!"she yelled. Alastor and Bendy were by her side instantly, followed by the boys and Wall.
"Oh no!" Said Bendy, a worried look on her face at the sight of the traped Villagers. "We have to help them!" Said Bendy.
"Bendy, they are traped for a reason, they probably committed a crime." Responded wall.
"Yeah, the crime of Existing... I'm going to save them" Bendy, like the stubborn demon she is, snuck to the camp and tried to open the cell, but was caught instantly by a pillager. Bendy made quick work of him and rescued the Villager.
"Thank you so much, how can I ever repay you?" Said the Villagers. Bey the color of his cloak and the straw hat, he was definitely a farmer.
"There is no need too, Alastor, take him to the camp!"said Bendy
"Wait!" Said the farmer. "There are more! More villagers! Please, go save them and bring them back too!"
"...I'll do what I can....uh.. what your name?"
"They call me Salah"
They shook hands and the adventure continued. The boys where fighting illagers and other mobs while the girls rescued the Villagers. Eventually they saw the end of the woods, just at they were about to return to the squid coast, Tails fell face first in front of them. He fell of a tree.
"Youch, you good bruh" said wall, clearly not caring.
"Shut the fluff up, I'm fine you horible excuse for a wall!"
"Damn, calm down peepsqueek." Said Foxy, finding the smaller foxes reaction funny.
"I am NOT a peepsqueek, you oversized rat!"
Bendy was wheezing her lungs out right now, and so was everyone else.
Tails eventually just gave up and walked away, crying and cursing at them until he disappeared into a strange portal that change from morning yellow to sunset pink and fire red. The colors loop.
"Eventualy, Alastor lead the group and the villagers to their camp. The sun was just starting to rise when they got there. The Villagers were rebuilding their homes. When Alastor opened the door he was tackled to the ground by a small child with a cup for a head. He suddenly heard quite sobbing from him.
"...I thought you left me..." cried the child. Alastor cuddled the child, patting his back to calm him down.
"Its alright little one...its alright."
Everyone went inside. "How about you come to our next adventure tomorrow morning?" Bendy asked the child. He nodded quietly with a small sniff at the end. Bendy pat the child head and walked to the ladies room to sleep.
"That's for tomorrow, how about I make you some breakfast?" Said Alastor, trying to make his son smile.
Cuphead nodded his head and the went inside.

Too bad they didn't see the small illager with an orb and a Yellow fox listening to everything. And boy did the Illager have a plan.
The map the new heroes had had been changed, as if by magic. The creeper woods had been crossed out with red ink and the Soggie Swamps was circled. Now all he had to do was wait.

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