Adaman Drabble/Oneshot

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Requested by the lovely corvid, @UnderTale_Lover2022!~

You knew the role of a clan leader wasn't easy, and with you being part of the Galaxy Team it was obvious that schedules wouldn't often line up in either side's favor.
You honestly regretted getting into an argument with Adaman over it, not even sure how it escalated to begin with. It was clear to others the frustration was there, how neither of you wanted to argue over something neither of you could control.
In the end, you had both stormed off from each other, going separate ways until you both could calm down.
You almost felt a little embarrassed, trudging back to the Diamond Settlement to apologize. You could only hope there wasn't a big scene when you arrived.
As you walked through the Mirelands, you spotted Rhyhorn running around, Petilil's darting between patches of grass to blend in, and Murkrow's and a large Honchkrow flying above. You even spotted some Paras, thankfully far enough away so they wouldn't bother you.
The little mushroom Pokémon annoyed you, honestly, spewing out either poisonous or paralyzing spores to slow you down before rushing in like the literal ankle biters they were.
Sometimes you thought how them and Melli would make a great match.
You were so lost in your thoughts you hadn't realized your mistake. A sudden movement caught your attention, and you turned to find yourself face to face with an Alpha Parasect, already beginning to spew its poisonous spores.
You reached down for a Pokéball, stumbling backwards into a small stream from the fright. Just as the spores kicked in, the Parasect was chased off, and a familiar figure was scooping you out of the water.

You awoke to find yourself in Adaman's familiar tent, said man sitting over you with a rag, dabbing it across your face. The smell of Pecha berries invaded your nose, and you recognized the bowl of an antidote remedy in Adaman's other hand. His Leafeon sat on your other side, occasionally reaching out to gently pat at your face in concern.
"What happened...?" You slurred on a half-numb tongue, sitting up with Adaman's help to drink some water.
"You got attacked by an Alpha Parasect." He explained softly, looking over your face and pressing his wrist to your forehead to better feel your temperature before turning to pick up the rag again. "You're lucky I was able to get to you. A Poison Powder from a Parasect is bad, let alone from an Alpha."
"Hey Adaman," you began, your gaze finding the swirling water in your cup very interesting, "I-I'm sorry about the argument, I know how busy you are and I shouldn't have—"
"It's alright." He interrupted you, reaching out to wrap your shoulders in a hug, "We're both really busy and have been on edge, arguments will happen. I forgive you, (Y/n)."
You returned his hug without hesitation, smiling into his shoulder. "I forgive you too."

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