Chapter two; a new type of care.

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uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.

I could only keep my eyes on the slowly braking soul beside me, it was like their sobs were illuminating the whole room. I couldn't feel much at the situation at hand, I wanted to brake down with her but it wouldn't help a lot theoretically. I could only wrap my arms around her and bring her into a tight embrace from the side, surprising me more then herself. 
She had come into my life overnight and decided to be a little lady who I now feel like I'm a big sister of. I felt a need to bring her into my arms and seal her away in a box for no one to harm her, I feel like I should be there for her. As stupid as it's sounds, I haven't even known her for a full day, yet I felt so attached. I felt so trusted.
We sat on the floor, on one side of the king sized bed placed in this room. We were furthest from the door, and closest to the bells that alert me if I'm needed at any point. The bells were built into the wall, with a simple tug of a string they'd send any signal and from where it's coming from. It usually rings into a empty room, with me hardly being here and all, and for the sake of the situation I'm glad it's not ringing for a second. 
"Listen Rosa, I know it's hard to listen to.." "SO YOU'RE JUST FINE WITH THIS?!" I brought my arms away from grasping her body into cupping my hands over my ears, wincing at the shooting pain seemingly streaming into my brain. She used her clammy sweating hands to wipe the drizzling tears from her face, shifting her whole body to turn towards me. 
She opened her swelling sore orbs, her pinked eyes staring with a sort of hope and disturbance. "Please..." she let put a voice crack within the whisper, clasping her hands together to be entwined. "Please [Y/n], please tell me this is a dream. This is a world I made up and never was apart of, please tell me I don't have to do this.." her voice when higher each time, until there was nothing but straining silence from her throat. 
I couldn't reply, I couldn't for the first time think of a comeback. 
"She doesn't deserve this..." I know, I know. 
Without even a breath from me, she lowered her head into her hands. Her eyes were wider then sources, without the ability to close out of shock. "[Y/n], please... [Y/n], like you said, I never asked for this job. On the first day of the job I'm forced to work a shift with no heads up and forced to kill two innocent men... I shouldn't said no... I shouldn't ignored the need of wanting to prove something.." without another word, she crashed into my chest again. 
I hugged her again, placing my head on top of hers. "Well... I was asking you to come with me to sort it out with the devil, I've decided that those cups aren't gonna die tonight, darlin'. " I lifted my head up, allowing her to do the same. I stared into her eyes, ones so confused yet hopeful. "They're not going to die? You're going to save them?" I nodded, smiling at the newfound feeling.
A feeling to make her feel happy and safe. 
"That's right Rosa.. You know, I've never been this close with someone. It's not a romantic feeling, it's more of a feeling of.." I looked around the room, trying to find the best way of explaining this. "Home. You feel like home, to me." In all honesty, she reminded me of that look the blue cup gave me. The same my friend did so long ago, the time where I was aloud to share my feelings. 
The friend.. the friend... there was no other way of explaining it, Rosa was just like them. Half breed, human and demon, large eyes, baby face, short, caring, emotional, determined, clumsy... all the things to describe the one I miss everyday, it was like their clone was sitting in front of me. 
Breathing, hopeful, moving, feeling. She is warm, unlike the last time I touch their slimming cold skin, my own body being enveloped in the goo of what she fell victim in. I remember her eyes, Rosa's eyes are sparkling with joy at the news of stopping the deaths, but the last time I peered into my sweet friend's eyes for the last time, her orbs was a mix of agony and a feeling of dread. A dread that her days had to end so soon, so young, in my very own hands. 
"It's alright [Y/n], I'm okay.."
... I looked into the eyes of Rosa, my sweet Rosa's eyes. It's alright, I told the voice echoing the concerns to me, I know you're alright. I know you're not in pain anymore.
Rosa had lifted herself off of me, now running around the room in a sort of dance, swirling and skidding to the beat of the rhyme she was frailing out of her mouth. I could only watch with a adoring smile, watching my new friend prance around.
She held on tightly onto my arm with the fear of being obliterated, I think. I found it hard to try shuffle into the elevator with the pain of weight almost breaking my shoulders. "Can you calm down? Jee, I already said they won't die, right?" A tic mark appeared on my head with annoyance, dragging the girl to our ride down. 
"But what if that puts us in deeper trouble?!" She stared up at me with sparkling innocent eyes, her legs around my waist with her hands grabbing whatever she can off me. Sighing roughly, I thought of the idea of giving her a piggy back instead of her braking my ribs and crushing my intestines. "Look, get off me for a sec. I'll give you a piggy back ride as long.. as... you don't kill.. me.."
I gasped between the sentence, surprised at the force she was putting on herself just to squeeze the air out of my lungs. I finally got a grasp on her to pull her off my body, holding her up in the air as my frame became a beefy tall character, with the ability of holding this woman in two hands. She seemed surprised at first before nervously sitting up with a smile. "Oh uh.. I'll stop ³now..." 
Sighing in silent relief, I turned back into my "original" body with a slight temper sticking. I looked down on her disapprovingly, walking past her still trying to regain my breath quietly after that.  My lips were turned down in a slight distasteful manner. I don't mean to act that way to this new friend and fellow employee like that, but it's totally unprofessional and not considering of the other person in the situation. 
Maybe I shouldn't think of her as another friend after all, the way she acts sometimes is shocking for someone that's been distant to a lot of people. I felt uncomfortable with my bubble being invaded upon, and with no word of a sorry afterwards. She better be careful, i might just execute them right in front of her with that attitude..
I dragged behind her feeling a guilt settle in my chest, I didn't mean to get so chaotic and clingy after the first couple seconds of that touching moment. Every since I have arrived tonight there has been one thing after another, with that unexpected shift and then the assumption that I should be planning to kill these two cups with them with that knowledge as well.
She looked real mad and scary when she had cupped me in her hands with the menacing sneer on her lips. She didn't look human... well, toon? I don't know what the fuck she is! She shape shifts into anything when she wants to, so easily and effortlessly. It must hurt right? With her skin stretching to its ability far enough and for her bones to grow bigger for more bigger figures she had developed. 
"Come on, get in quick." Her voice was dry and cracking up, probably with the lack of drink or with the annoyance I have accrued. I nodded quickly at my.. friend? Company? Companion? She had gotten in the elevator first, waiting with her hand against where the doors come out, stopping them from closing with the time I spent standing there. 
I shuffled inside to get on her better side once again with a little shy smile just to get the ball rolling. It didn't make the ball roll, at all. She only sent me a look with her head turned to the side, no sign of amusement or even a glance of naturalism, only a look with disappoint and a bit of disgust, I'm guessing is the second emotion. 
To be honest, I don't know where I stand with her. Like the conversation she had helped me through in the bedroom, she seemed so genuine. So sweet. It was like she had gotten lost in her work and had changed into someone different, it was like it wasn't her.. she's so strange, like the first time of meeting her she seemed completely fine- flirtatious, and even a better energy surrounding her. 
But as we made our way further inside, the more she started to turn. Like she had to act different in front of different people, or maybe even just a large group. Like when we got straight to our shift, all I could think about were the words to mumbled to me with a smile; "be polite and do as they say, and don't embarrass us, half breed." It's strange, she only nodded and graciously helped and talked to the customers through out the room, yet it didn't effect herself in what she said.
It hurt, but most of all made me confused. How did she know I was a "half breed"? Mixed, even. And why would that be so bad, the venomous words fell of her sharp scaly tongue as a sort of threatening and off putting way. I almost cringed when she walked away, but not at her, but at myself. Anyone could say that and make me feel bad, but I would've pushed past it by now with a simple "I'm better then them."
So why couldn't I do that with [Y/n]?
She was so great and talented, every person sitting at a table she served laughed with a joyful glee and tears of laughter in their eyes. The would cuddle up to her with admiration, and she seemed liked and well known amongst everyone. With workers and visitors alike, she seemed to easily pick out the kind of people they fit in with, yet she never had a conversation with just... being herself.
I don't even know if that's her real body, or another persona she had made up for someone. It's like she always wants to be something different, weather it be growing taller or changing eye colour, one thing in her appearance changed depending on the group or individual she was communicating with.
She was like a switch in the way she looked and the way she acted, and she was good at it. That time first meeting her, her height drifted to about mine to a head taller. She had more masculine feature, and I don't know if its because I'm mixed, ir the fact she must have some sort of power. I'm leaning towards the second idea, with how I helplessly gripped onto her without a second thought of suspicion. 
And I only suspect is a power along side her shape shifting, as everyone seemed to do it. I was not the only one with doves floating on the inside of my empty brain, she made me feel light hearted and fuzzy with her sudden change in appearance. 
And with her attitude.. I'm even surprised she still wanted to save those cups after the look of frustration with a play around with me hanging onto her. I didn't think she'd snap at me like that after the hug session from our bedroom.. her bedroom. She's so confusing, and utterly too serious. She treats everything like a chore, but when we were behind that closed door in the comfort of the place I was resting in...
It's like she completely forgot about her play she was putting on I dropped it the second her arse hit the floor, besides me.
I actually felt like she cared for me, but I must be wrong.
The two gazed upon the map in slight wonder and mystery, misery counting the fact their eyes seemed to be the only ones peeled for the angelic paper to be seen for. "Are you sure this is where the parts of the machine are?" The younger brother squinted at the flexible paper within his gloves mechanical hands, almost scared like it would turn into sand beneath his paw prints.
"Well that's what the angel said..." the shorter one muttered, having as much questions as his younger brother at hand. The toons looked and acted the polar opposites, the older one, the almost 18 demon, had the appearance that made people want to wrap a blanket around him and cradle the said demon in their arms like a freshly born baby. He had a flirtatious attitude towards females but had a heartless criteria about him, in certain ways.
The wolf was tallish and lanky, the apperance mistaken for a 16 year old. Far from his actual age, landing at only 12, the youngling had a passion for what his brother did and what he was good at. The two were skilled mechanics, one a professional with the ticking gears and one still learning. He was a empathetic kid, so far to say it's almost impossible to land himself into a situation like this, it's truly insane. 
"Well... the sooner we get the parts, the sooner.. I can help.." his fluffy wolf ears, once standing, now tipping towards the floor against his head. The eldest almost reclined backwards in shock, before tugging his sweet bro town onto his knees. "Ow!" The humanized dog yelped in shock and pain used against his knees, now up to high with his brother.
"Boris! What did I say? I told you you are already doing enough everyday, for me, don't stand there for a second-" smelled hands took a hold of his face, squashing the fat on the talkers ones cheeks in a teasing brotherly way. "-thinking you're not helping!" He brought his brother into a hug, the temptation was just too hard to ignore with the brown eyes of his sibling sparkled with light tears. 
"You are enough, Boris, and what you do is enough as well." He comforted his brother with head pats and sarcastic reassuring words and dialogue, he made sure to do it until the youngling laughed, his cheeks flushed and his tail wagging. "Okay! I get it!" The wolf was, simplest possible, embarrassed. "Then what am I saying??" The demon pressured, with a devilish smirk but a heart of gold.. for his brother. 
"That I'm doing enough..." "... And?" "And.. that you love me.." a sweet laugh was spread between the two, until the attention was turned back towards the map once again. "Well, if there's one thing I know, it's that we'll use this to get rid of the ink illness... and for me to get better." The little ones voice went husky for just a second, almost doubting himself... but not at all his brother.
"It's okay Bendy..." smiling, the wolf took it out of his hands and got up from off the floor, innocently peering upon the new source of hope. "Like you said, it's where we'll stop the ink illness with it..." sighing, they both turned towards the bags they were going to bring. Repeating one thing within their heads: 'only essential things, we need to decrease the bags we got...'
"Haha.. well, we have to start thinking what to properly pack for our quest..." the other one nodded with a light hearted chuckle "hmmm, yeah... after all, we're the ones carrying them, we don't want them to heavy." With both of them giggling again, they went to work.
"M-mugs.. I'm-" the cup could stutter the words he wanted to out, only burying his face into his clothed palm of his hand. He hung his head in shame and anguish, gripping onto the turtle neck he had put on with a sort of mourning of his china heart breaking in his chest. He was finding it difficult to breathe with the shock of being caught out, and putting his brother through his mistakes. 
The blue cup couldn't say anything, but only allowed his brother to cry and weep into the shoulder of the blue striped shirt he had been wearing before falling into this rabbit hole. Nodding along, and although he wanted to comfort and reassure his brother, he thought of the final look the woman had given him upon giving the news about the execution. 
It wasn't a look of a want, or even a stare for blood to be shredded. Her stance didn't have a pride in being given the job nor did she puff out her chest in slight amusement, her back wasn't straight like a respecting worker underneath the Devil himself, and hade no trace of a expression of... excitement, eagerness, and no enthusiasm to get blood on her hands.
Her eyes told something different, her eyebrows were pulled back with guilt and rage, the scene behind her (e/c) orbs showed a clear picture of what she wanted to happen, before she even realised herself. But that idea in her head was no sort of aggression, no sort of hostile intentions planned for him nor his brother.
It held determined sight, she had both hands onto the situation, and even maybe a slight desision regarding only her. She looked like a cool and collected person with her attire of clothing, she had been smartened up with a shirt buttoned all the way up, a black waistcoat to accentuate her figure, with her trousers being long and fitted, her shoes heeled enough to bring a couple inches to her height. When the waistcoat was exposed to light, it had more of a silky blue colour to it then it's usual shade.
"It's okay Cuppy.." the blue brother looked around the place they had been trapped in, taking in the sights and apperance around. They had been stored in some kind of cage, the outside out of the cold steel bars had jars upon jars and silver safes. In the distance you can hear the slow mournful moans, much like the brother he was holding, but he was wailing and very much alive. 
The jars had glowing blue lights, the life inside swirling for an excape, but no luck as they just went around and around. It made his throat dry, making him double think the situation he had been put in. 'That could be us soon...' it almost made him lose all hope, watching the collective of jars almost shake in grief. 'What if I'm wrong about that woman? She could just have gave me that look for her own amusement...'
"N-no.. we can't die like this.." surprised, the younger one looked down at his brother who started to pull his head away from his grasp. It was a silent pause, only sniffs and hiccups leaving his red faced head shaped head. He turned suddenly, bringing his fists up to band and shake the door they had used to be thrown into the cage. Getting nothing but the groaning and cries of the souls, eventually getting louder each time as he abused the steel more, it creeped the brothers out.
But was made their hearts stop was the door of the place being unlocked from the outside, the sounds of keys and and the lock diggling within the door almost echoing louder then the calls and screeching coming from the inside of the jars of death. They seemed to vibrate against eachother that made the sound of glass clanking together in heartache and hopelessness..
10.5 pages, 3,715 words.
Well done! You made it to the end! Join next time, on the chapter;
Chapter four; meal with the devil.
See you next time! Have a good day/night!

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