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P.O.V of Olivia Weak

The car tilted forword, and my parents grabbed the seats tight with their fingers, terror and fear filling their eyes. Just as my mother moved their mouths to speak the car tilted forwords and we fell, right towards the river below. As the car hit the waves my parents each took one of my hands and I slammed my eyes closed, just to hear their final last words. "Be strong, be strong for us."

I moved in my bed and my eyes flew open. Just a dream, I thought to myself, before I realized the room was completely white and I was in a gown with a hole in the back. The hospital.

Just then the door opened and a man in a long white lab coat and a women in a blue outfit entered, my two aunts right behind them. I instantly fought against the urge to hide back under the covers, Doctors being my second biggest fear, and my first fear hung in his hand. Shots.

But I held still and moved to look painless and fearless, even though I just wanted to hide right now and cry. "Where's my mom? Where's dad? Why is Aunt Danielle and Victoria here?" I instantly demanded, hoping my voice came out as a strong as I hoped, but by the way my Aunts looked disapointed I realized it didn't.

"Your parents were killed in the crash. You're a very strong girl Olivia, and very lucky. Your Aunts are now your guardians, and I am now going to be your doctor you see every month. My name is Doctor Hang," he smiled, and reached out to shake my hand. Instead of taking it I tilted my head up and looked away as if I were bored, even when I was hiding my tears.

I couldn't cry, it was weak. To be weak meant you didn't belong in the community, and if you didn't belong in the community you were killed. Both my parents struggled with being strong, and the fact that my last name was Weak didn't help me one bit. Biting back tears was my only option.

"If you want to cry, you are a loud. Death for a child of age thirteen to sixteen means you can be weak for six months, but after you must stregnthen to the amount you were before, and more. But you can be weak." This relaxed me and i let my tears escape down my face, my hands instantly covering my face.

"Doctor Hang, we rather you had not told her she could be weak. She's always been the outsider, she gets it from her parents. Thank goodness they're finally gone, we can actually teach her how you're suppose to live!" Aunt Victoria exclaimed, the Doctor giving them a weird look.

"I forgot to add, for the six months your going to be in a mental hospital, starting tomorrow." I blinked, and gulped.

The white door read 132 and I gulped, trying to figure be calm and enter the stupid room. Be Strong, Be strong, I repeated to myself, before pushing opening the door. Inside the room the walls were white, and the only furniture was chairs. The walls were covered with Kittens holding guns with GET STRONG written at the bottom. 

"Hey, I'm Reba Buchanna!" a girl in one of the chairs screamed, wearing the blue shirt uniform. 


So, what do you think? -Storm

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2013 ⏰

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