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Sugawara's POV

Why does he... look like he wants to kiss me?

Our entangled fingers brought about a tempting heat that nearly crushed any resolve I had left. My free hand held an irritating itch in it, asking me over and over to reach out and brush the redness beneath Shouyou's brilliant eyes. I gripped tightly to my pants, instead.

"Sen... pai..." Shouyou leaned in a bit and brought my hand up to his face. I could only watch him hold it onto his cheek and rub against it. His eyes were closed, and his face held the softest glow to it.

My heart lept when his hazel eyes fluttered open. If this atmosphere keeps building... I don't think I'll be able to resist this temptation for much longer.


His cheeks were a bright red, I could feel the heat in the hand he was holding to his cheek. I found myself licking my lips and leaning closer to him.

The closer we got, the more his eyes closed, the more enticing his plump lips looked... Shouyou's hand slipped from mine, but I kept it on his face and tightened my hold on his other hand.

My thumb brushed beneath his eye, finally soothing the itch to touch his soft skin.


Our lips brushed, and I felt Shouyou practically melt beneath my hand. It unlocked so many feelings inside me. Love, lust, disbelief, everything felt so overwhelming, yet it all faded the moment I kissed him again.

It was only long enough to leave a lingering taste, one so sweet that it put sugar itself to shame. Our lips were ripped apart when Shouyou pressed a hand against my chest and pulled away.

The back of his hand covered his lips, his wide eyes stared at our legs in disbelief. He was bright red, I know he wasn't expecting that, I wasn't either, honestly.

But I loved it.

I had to clear my throat and lick my lips to get that last taste off them before speaking.

"Shou-" But I couldn't get a sentence out before he spoke up.

"I'm-I'm so sorry..! I, uh, I didn't... I didn't mean to- It just kind of- Uh, S-Sorry, I have to go..!"

He stood, his hands out in front of himself like he was trying to keep me away from him. I didn't want him to leave yet, not yet, please... I want to hold him, I want to kiss him again... If I ever have the chance... I'd really like to.

I rushed after him just as he made it to the door and quickly placed my hand over his, which was close to opening the exit. In my hurry, I slapped a hand on the other side of him to stop myself from crashing into his small body.

Shouyou tensed up. What from? Well, I'm not sure. Shock was the most probable reason, but... Maybe...

"Don't leave yet." I dropped my head on top of his and inhaled that soft scent of vanilla. "Please..."

longing for love | sugahinaWhere stories live. Discover now