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Kavya's POV:

"AND THAT'S A SIXX!!" The whole crowd got up and started cheering " India wins by 5 wickets. A beautiful finish by Abhishek Sharma". That was honestly unexpected. Abhay really came through with 2 sixes in the end. I see him running towards Shubhman who was on the other end of the pitch, and jumped on him, giving him a victory hug. I smile at that and shake my head. These two are such clowns.

Abhay and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. I've known him my entire life and our bond is unbreakable. I've seen him work his ass off for this and I am very proud of him that he's gotten this far.

I am going to miss him so much. I am moving to London in 2 weeks for college and Abhi still doesn't know about this. I never had the courage to tell him and I know that I have to do eventually. He was supposed to know about this a long time ago. It's just that he's been very busy with his training, his U19 matches and the World Cup that I haven't had a chance to tell him. I don't plan on telling him anymore because I know that he will be hurt because he got to know at the end moment and I don't want to leave him while he is mad at me. And he just won a World Cup, I don't want to ruin his mood now. He is going to be hurt either way and I feel so so bad.

"THAT" I said, jumping on him and giving him a tight hug, "was amazing, I am so proud of you". "Thank you!!" He said as he pulled away and had a big smile on his face and then we heard someone coughing and turned to see Tina Singh, Abhi's girlfriend.

She comes and hugs him before saying "THAT WAS AMAZING, I mean if it weren't for you, India wouldn't have won". Abhi pulls away saying "Thank you Ti but it was because of everyone's contribution that we won and not just because of me," and he goes to his parents and sisters.

Tina turns to me and says "How many times do I have to tell you to stay the fuck away from my boyfriend". I look at her and say "Tina I think you are forgetting that he is also my best friend so I will hang out with him as much as I want". She smirked at me before saying "Oh that best friend who you don't even have the courage to tell him that you're moving away", and started walking toward the car. I was lost in my thoughts when Abhi called my name "Are you planning on standing here all day?" he chuckled. I shake my head and start going towards the car.

We headed towards Abhi's house after that because he insisted on staying there and going to the party that was held to celebrate the win together. We were all just sitting in his room, talking and laughing until it was time for us to get ready. Tina refused to come because she suddenly felt unwell so she passed on the party.

All of us were enjoying ourselves when Abhi got a phone call so he excused himself. Couple minutes later, Abhi came back with a horrifying expression on his face so all of us ran towards him. "Abhi what's wrong? What happened? Why are you shaking?" Shubhman bombarded him in panic. "Shubh, Tina.. she- she got into a really bad car accident we- we need to leave for the hos- hospital right now" everyone gasped at this. We started leaving while Abhi's parents told everyone to go home including mine. I told his parents to go home as well and that me and Shubhman will handle everything.

As soon as we reached the hospital, Abhi ran inside and we ran behind him. "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" He screamed at the receptionist desk. "Abhi, calm down" Shubhma says, attempting to calm him down. "Excuse me, can you tell us where Tina Singh is right now?" I asked. "Yeah actually she is in the operating room 106".

All of us were in the lounge when the doctor came out and all of us got up. "She has a couple ribs broken and an injury on her head. She is stable for now but we can't say anything until she wakes up because she might have a hard time remembering somethings" the doctor says and leaves.

"Abhay" I say while placing my hand on his shoulders, "Abhi she is going to be just fine," I said calmly. "Why do you care?" He says harshly and I just stare at him for a couple seconds, stunned. "She was on a call with me telling me how you told her that her and I are not meant to be. Who the fuck gave you the right to say all that," he said looking straight into my eyes. "I never said anything like that AT ALL," I replied back.

He chuckles humorlessly while shaking his head. "You never liked her did you? I knew that from the beginning but I thought you two can figure it out but I guess not. In fact, you don't like anyone who gets tiny bit closer with me because of your fucking jealousy issues but you know what, sometimes, you gotta keep your mouth shut so you don't ruin every fucking relationship you make just like you did with your OWN FUCKING FATHER".

Okay you fucking crossed the line "listen to me very carefully Mr. Abhishek Sharma". I said in a threatening voice. "I get that you are upset BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT and especially bring my father into it" I didn't realize when I started crying. " And FYI I never said any of those things to her and when you realize that, you are gonna regret everything," I said point in between him and me, "that happened here. Have a great life".

I ran out of the hospital while Shubhman tried stopping me. I got the nearest taxi and went home, fell on my bed and started crying.

I hate you Abhishek Sharma. I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH.

A.N - Heyy guysss, here's the prologue. Don't come at us for making Abhi's character rude and mean. He is actually the total opposite in real life lmao. Let us know if you guys liked it and also let us know if you guys liked the mean Abhi. See you guys in the next one.

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