Chap 20: The third round

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Well, I got into the third round. Tresha was pointing by Sahana during their fight and then again by Ahana during hers and Tresha's fight. Both Ahana and Sahana were disqualified though, given a place to govern in Empire.

Tresha is currently recuperating. She will be sent to her territory when she recovers. Tresha was declared unfair to fight. That's why I won the second round.

My plan to deceive the sisters didn't really work out as planned but at least I got to the next round. I don't feel guilty for anything. It was the sisters who were using vile techniques to win and which was against the rules.

Anyways, I think I need to concentrate on the third and the final round now which will help me become the Empress.

I was honestly expecting a lot from the second round but that didn't really happen. Though, I hope third round would be interesting.

It was finally after two weeks that the third round happened. I did get a crash course for to Sharpen my intelligence.

The thrid and final round would be held tommorow.

I wonder what will happen in tomorrow's round. We weren't given any specifications of what will happen.

It was barely half a month ago that I was the 15th consort out of the 20 consorts that the emperor had. And today I am the second consort. The way my life became fast paced was something which still felt like a dream.

I was taking a walk in the garden. And again, without any servants. It was half moon today. There were many stars in sky.

The scenary was beautiful.

I just hope everything goes well.

The next day:

It was the day of the third round of Empress choosing competition.

Finally! The moment of truth.

For the third round, we were taken in the main palace and asked to be seated in different rooms.

A servant came in and said, " For the third round, the consort will be given two questions to answer and around half an hour to think of the answer and write it down. You will have to write the answer on a piece of paper. The results will be announced tommorow morning. All the best Consort Sheila"

The servants signalled another servant and she brought in a paper put neatly in a tray. She placed it in front of me. Then they both bowed and went out of the room.

I was left alone there. The room has no windows whatsoever. But it was still bright in the room. Maybe because the door was kept open by the servants.

I opened the piece of paper and read the question. It said:

1. How to stop inflation?

2.  A man describes his daughters, saying, “They are all blonde, but two; all brunette but two; and all redheaded but two.” How many daughters does he have?

For the first question, it was still related to Empir but for the second one seemed like the person didn't have anything to do.

Though both of them were tricky questions, I managed to get through them.

The answers which I wrote were:

1. By increasing the prices a lot during inflation while keeping the salaries constant can reduce purchasing power of citizens which will then result in reduction of high prices in market. Thus, inflation would get controlled.

2.The man has three daughters: A blonde, a brunette and a redhead

These first answer was the one which was present in the books I read. The second one was a trick question which I thought a lot on during answering. Idk weather it's right or not.

The time was up soon and a servant came in to take the answer sheet. Finally the third round was over.

Till the end, I didn't get to see Consort Viera's face. Maybe I will get to do so tommorow?

Well anyways, now that was left for me to do was relax. I had worked hard enough it was time for some self-care.

By thinking that, I went to my palace.

The next day:

I and the Consort were both called in the main palace for the results. I finally got to see Viera's face for once. She had purple hair and blue eyes. She seemed like a fairy from heaven.

No wonder, she is called "Princess of Light" in her empire.

In the main palace, we were taken in a room and asked to be seated and wait for the Emperor. The room was beautiful and seemed like a room where Emperor would host guests and stuff.

At this point I am quite nervous. I wonder who will turn out to be the Empress of Arnia Empire.

I wonder what will happen next?


Finally day 6/7 of my challenge is over! Just tommorow one more chap and for the 7 day publishing challenge for this series would be done too.

I will most probably pick up Abandoned Empress fanfic now to continue for 7 day challenge.

And..... For the followers of this series. Many cute and fluff fam moments are on the way. Stay tuned~

Ja Mata!

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