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Early morning on Monday at class, Xiao Zhan yawned like usual and stepped into the classroom.

Liu Han, the alpha world gossip king, immediately came over, "Let me see if there is a hickey on your neck - fuck, why is there nothing?"

Xiao Zhan slapped his salty pig hand1 away, "Fuck off, watch out before I sue you for sexual harassment in front of your family member."

Liu Han laughed, "Hahaha, Xiao Xiao and I don't consider you an omega at all."

Luo YongHeng and Xu Qian also came over. Both of them were betas and were less sensitive to pheromone scents, but they also could notice that there was no alpha scent on Xiao Zhan.

"Didn't you say that alpha came to live in your dorm the day before yesterday? Did nothing happen, why isn't there a scent?" Xu Qian asked.

Xiao Zhan suddenly smiled, "Seems you were looking forward to something happening?"

The three of them were frightened by this creepy smile, so when the bell rang coincidentally rang, they hurried back to their seats.

Xiao Zhan leaned his head on his hand as he listened to the lesson, feeling a little sleepy again. He threw a strong mint in his mouth to wake up a little and stared at the teacher's projection screen, but his mind began to wander a bit.

Wang Yibo had said that his pheromone had almost no scent and he really hadn't just been acting modest. After living together for two days, Xiao Zhan had never smelled his pheromones.

It was logical to say that at their impulsive age, even if deliberately pressed, male alphas and omegas would release more pheromones in the morning. Because of his suppressant, Xiao Zhan had no scent. Did Wang Yibo also use it?

No, it couldn't be.

Although there were various specialized alpha suppressants on the market, they were usually used by alphas with mental illness or physical conditions, to prevent them from abusing their pheromones. Some alphas also used a suppressant to remain celibate, which was effective for the rest of their life as long as they didn't mate with an omega. Normal, healthy alphas could freely control the release of their pheromones and didn't have a fixed heat period like omegas, so there was no need for a suppressant at all.

Therefore, Wang Yibo must have been born with weak pheromones.

This could be considered a real tragedy.

The pheromone of an alpha was like the tail feathers of a male peacock. The more beautiful and larger the tail, the more attractive the mate. No female peacock was willing to mate with a bare male peacock and the same was true between A&O.

Speaking vulgarly, the strength of the alpha pheromone directly determined how good an omega would feel in bed, whether the omega could have a sense of security and satisfaction and so surrender physically and mentally.

Xiao Zhan knew that his own pheromone was intense, so even if he made huge concessions and said he liked Wang Yibo , he couldn't be with him. Because if his couldn't get neutralized by an equal or stronger level of pheromone, he would be tortured by his heat and be subjected to suffering.

An alpha like Wang Yibo could probably only find a beta to mate with.

Xiao Zhan scratched his scalp in irritation. He was so wrapped up in this other's problems. Anyway, as long as the other party didn't act up, he wouldn't think about it any longer.

However, Wang Yibo really was a blockhead.

In the afternoon physical education class, Xiao Zhan had just entered the sports field and was heading towards the basketball area to practice when he saw a group of students standing beside the rubber athletic track. There was a tall figure standing out from the crowd, wasn't it his new roommate?

Short Story of XiaoWangWhere stories live. Discover now