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There was no class in the afternoon. After finishing the meal, Xiao Zhan returned to the dorm to take a nap. He watched some sports for a while and was lying in bed about to fall asleep when Wang Yibo returned after finishing his first afternoon class.

The sound of the door opening and closing was very soft. He seemed to know that Xiao Zhan was resting and he stumbled over to the table to put something down, then walked to the bed quietly and whispered, “Xuezhang?”

Xiao Zhan frowned and opened his eyes reluctantly, “What?”

Wang Yibo squatted down and leaned against the bed, “I bought boiled fish, do you want to eat?”

Xiao Zhan didn’t eat much at lunch, so he was really hungry right now. Plus he loved eating fish. When he heard this, he immediately smelled the scent in the air and his drowsiness disappeared immediately.

He rolled over and got out of bed, walking to the table and sitting down. He looked at the logo on the carryout bag brought back by Wang Yibo, it was from a very famous restaurant nearby.

“Weren’t you in class? Where did you buy this?”

Wang Yibo pulled himself out a chair and sat on the other side, “I ordered the delivery at lunch and scheduled the delivery time for after class. Then I brought it back to the dorm.”

Xiao Zhan watched him lift a large container out of the bag, and when he opened the lid, the aroma suddenly overflowed and assailed his nose. Wang Yibo thoughtfully opened the wooden chopsticks and handed them to him, “Here, taste it.”

“You’re not eating?”

“I’m not hungry. I originally bought it for Xuezhang. You didn’t eat much at lunch, right?”

“A bit.” Xiao Zhan no longer held himself back out of politeness. He took the chopsticks, lifting a piece of fish into his mouth. The tender fish soaked in a delicious soup with spicy peppercorns had an amazing taste.

“How do you know I eat fish? There are a lot of things I don’t eat.”

Wang Yibo smiled and replied, “I’ve seen you order fish fillets in the cafeteria, Xuezhang. Same with spicy food. So you should like this.”

Xiao Zhan paused for a moment after hearing these words. Since Wang Yibo moved in, they’d eaten two meals together. The first time was the day Wang Yibo moved in, the second time was at lunch today, but Wang Yibo still remembered his preferences.

It felt like no one except his dad had ever been so concerned about his affairs.

Although he had a lot of friends, he wasn’t like other fragile omegas, who, when they coughed, would have people all over them asking if they were feeling well. Everyone subconsciously thought that an independent and powerful omega like him didn’t need other people’s care and concern. Only after he was injured in a fight would he get some caring messages from friends.

He didn’t care to be treated as a weak person, but at this moment, his mindset was slightly shaken.

The feeling of being supported by someone’s hands like this……didn’t seem so bad.

“Xuezhang, isn’t it delicious?” Wang Yibo asked him in a whisper when he saw that he was slow to finish eating.

“It’s good,” Xiao Zhan replied. He thought for a moment, then picked up a piece of fish and lifted it towards the mouth of this large pet, “Open your mouth.”

The one who treated him with sincerity, he would never treat badly.

Wang Yibo was so happy that his eyebrows arched. His mouth split wide open and he ate it in one bite.

Xiao Zhan took back the chopsticks and was getting ready to use them again only to realize that he had just eaten with the chopsticks, then fed Wang Yibo, so to then eat with them himself…… He wasn’t a hypochondriac, but there was a strange feeling in his heart.

Wang Yibo sat while watching Xiao Zhan eat. He didn’t know what he was so happy about, but the corners of his mouth never lowered. He was framed by sunlight and the edges of his hair were almost transparent in the light. The whole person looked warm, but the touch of green in his irises broke up the light with a glint of darkness. It seemed that he also was not so harmless.

Xiao Zhan stared at him uneasily, “You have nothing to do? Just watching me.”

Wang Yibo seemed to snap out of it suddenly, saying in embarrassment, “It was an accident…… Sorry, Xuezhang.”

“No need to apologize, go do your own things, thank you for the food.” Xiao Zhan rarely spoke so politely.

Wang Yibo said “mhm”, but didn’t move, his expression seemed hesitant.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhan said, “Something to say?”

“Just……that……” Wang Yibo shifted his fingers uneasily and whispered, “I wanted to stay with Xuezhang for a little while, but maybe I won’t have a chance in the future……”

Xiao Zhan was unable to make heads or tails of that. “What do you mean?”

“Zou Rui…… Xuezhang’s boyfriend said that you’ll move to his dormitory in a few days……”

Xiao Zhan cursed in his heart, Zou Rui went so far as to decapitate first and then present his trophy? But right now he wanted to interrogate the person right in front of him, “He said he would make me move, so you agreed? You didn’t even argue back?”

Wang Yibo looked up with a faint expression of grievance, “Xuezhang told me not to speak……”

Xiao Zhan didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or yell, “You’re so obedient, if I asked you to jump off the building, would you do that too?”

Wang Yibo pressed his lips together tightly, knowing that he was angry. He didn’t dare to speak anymore, so could only watch him anxiously.

Xiao Zhan couldn’t make heads or tails of his anger and he didn’t even realize how fiercely he had spoken until he finished spitting the words. His character has always been prideful. He rarely bowed his head and admitted his mistakes even if he knew his faults, but facing Wang Yibo at this moment, he felt the rare new impulse to offer a guilty apology.

Maybe this was the nature of a pet lover.

“Zou Rui is not my boyfriend,” he said firmly, “I think I like him a bit, but not to the point where I want to be with him. Next time this kind of thing happens, ask him to ask me first. There’s no need to be so afraid.”

Xiao Zhan thought it over and then added the sentence, “But don’t try to force him. He isn’t as big and tall as you, but you won’t necessarily beat him. I didn’t want you to speak at lunch today, not to scold you, but because I didn’t want you to provoke him. Have you forgotten the lesson from being smashed by the basketball last time?”

Wang Yibo paused for a moment after hearing this and then said, “So Xuezhang really cared so much about me……”

Xiao Zhan said, “……you really get right to the point.”

Wang Yibo’s acceptance level was amazing. He immediately reverted to his lively pet-like appearance, the only difference was that he didn’t jump up to lick Xiao Zhan’s mouth. “Does that mean, I still have a chance? Can I still pursue Xuezhang?”

Xiao Zhan regretted telling him such a thing. Now Wang Yibo had a big head. He’d even made him bark in excitement. He started to eat the boiled fish that was about to get cold.

It’s really delicious, it seems that this silly dog isn’t useless.

1. Decapitate first and then present trophy (先斩后奏): idiom, to act first and report back later ↩

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