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It's a good day in the Morning when Wide Putin is yawning in his bed, with a short time he stands although the amount of tiredness is still present he began tidying the bed, adjusting the pillow, folding the blanket sheets.

He began going out of his bedroom taking a small step into the kitchen, taking his kettle and filling it with tap water, then he puts it into the gas stove and twists the knob until the stove is lighted, then while waiting for the water to boil, he goes back into the Bathroom taking a quite longer step than before.

In the bathroom, he takes the toothbrush, then starts to wash it along with taking a toothpaste and squeezing it into the toothbrush, without missing a beat he takes water from the sink and washes his mouth there, with that he brushes his tooth evenly from the front into the back, the upper part into the lower part, he feels his mouth fresh than the part he just woke up, but now he needs to drain the foam formed from the brushing part itself after he brushes his tooth, he turns on the tap to take water into his mouth and starts washing it and spit it into the sink, he repeated this process 3 times and now he is washing his face with only water, he reaches his palm into the tap getting the water and splashing it into his face and rubs every part of his face starts from his eye into his chin. After some small-time cleaning off his face fully, he takes a towel to rub off the water residue, after he dries his face with a towel, he hears the water is boiling meaning it's time to turn off the stove, and he goes out from the Bathroom into the kitchen.

After he arrived in the kitchen, he quickly turn off the stove in case of lesser water than he hoped, and he prepares the tea bag into his cup and he adds 1 tablespoon of sugar, with the simple tea he has prepared, now he only needs to pour the hot water he boiled before, then he slowly mixes it with the tablespoon he used to take the sugar after it feels enough, he takes a small sip with the tea he made.

"Ahh it's hot but it's sweet and tastes good for this morning tea" he muttered

Then he held the cup into the living room where he used to watch the TV Weather Forecast daily, then he sits on the couch and took a remote TV from the table, he pressed the red button that indicates the power button, the TV starts to enabled, although followed with long pre-screen of the TV Brand after the pre-screen TV Brand done, then the Weather Forecast shows up the recent Weather Prediction for 24 hours next.

Meanwhile, He casually checks the weather forecast prediction and prepares for the next 24 hours in his house, he hears a knock on the door, indicating someone visiting him

"Hold on I'm coming," he said to the guest

As he approaches the door, he turns the doorknob, a small screech is heard from the doorknob, and when he opens the door, he saw a not so fat figure with an orange shirt, brown pants, a green hat, and an unforgettable face of Jerma sis

"Oh hello RTX SUSshu, it's quite surprising for you to visit me again, it's like a long time for you to meet me in person" Putin greets Susshu

"Well yeah I just want to visit my old Friend at last" sushu greets back

"Well uh why don't you go inside? Here I know it is quite messy but it feels bad when we talk at the door entrance haha" Putin invites sushu into his house for a small talk

Sushu then goes inside the Wide Putin house where he is in the living room, it has 3 small couches, 1 wooden table, and a TV that attached to the wall

Sushu then sits on the couch with Putin in front of him

"So, how can I help you sushu?" Putin asks

"I am taking a small vacation so expect that I am not going to talk with you in person or online again for around 2 months" sushu wandered

"Uhmm alright but is that only for your visitations? Not even a small gaming or a fun fact around your neighborhood?" Putin's asks

"Not much, and maybe you want to help me by adding a friend in Azur Lane," sushu said

"What the hell is Azur Lane? You know I only play some simple games like Minecraft and some Solitaire" Putin asks

"Uhhh Azur Lane is a Battleship game" sushu lied

"Uhmmm alright? Maybe I will play that game a little bit" Putin said

"Sorry I can't be here for too long, Goodbye," Sushu said while he then rises from the couch and goes out of Putin's house

While he is already gone, Putin was still confused about why Sushu become quite weird lately

"Well let me know what is Azur Lane in Google"

After that, he turns off the TV and drinks the Tea that had already been left cold, and takes his phone, he opens the phone interference and clicks on the Google app, and then he types 'What is Azur Lane?'

Then the search engine shows that 'Azur Lane is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game created by Chinese developers Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi, released in 2017 for the iOS and Android operating systems. Set in an alternate timeline of World War II, players engage in side-scrolling shooter gameplay, using female moe anthropomorphic characters based on warships from the war's major participants. Other gameplay elements, like customizing a dorm and in-game characters, are also present.' (Source: Wikipedia English)

"Alright, what the fuck? Do warship girls exist??? I mean we call our ships with " her" but this is taking the initiation literally, what the hell is this???" Putin Ranted

"Whatever, a friend request is a request I hope I can at least fulfill my friend request"

Putin then takes into the Google PlayStore and searches 'Azur Lane', in the app interference that shows up Azur Lane with the size of around 1-2 Gigabytes.

"What the hell? This app is so goddamn heavy, I don't remember a mobile game that can go this heavy? Oh wait it exists but whatever let me just install it" Putin said while clicking the "install" button.

Meanwhile waiting for the app installation complete, he then opens the app, but it simply requests more storage data.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me, a fucking 5,5 GIGABYTES? how the hell is this game so heavy holy shit" Putin ranted again.

But Putin can just turn away the sushu request, so he continued, but before he can play it, the phone screen suddenly goes black.

"Huh? What the hell? Why is my phone screen is dying-"

But before he can try to find a phone charger to charge his phone that he thought he forget to charge, the screen goes all white bright, so bright it temporarily stuns Putin.

"Gahhhhh my eyes-" as Putin screams in small pain

And when his vision is back to normal, he found up he isn't at his house again, but now he is in the Modern Cruiser with 2 tubes attached diagonally and facing upfront at around 20° with a Twin sphere-ish turret gun in front with many it on ladders, and a big radar plate at the Ship upper back superstructure, and the ship is floating in the middle of the ocean.

Azur Lane: The Wide Putin appearsWhere stories live. Discover now