CHAPTER 3: 🧁 🍮 🍨 Desserts 🧁 🍮 🍨

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Turning cloudy and nickel into some desserts was stressful but it was worth it, though it was quite strange that I saw someone but it was probably my imagination, anyways, today was the day to put my newly made desserts in my bakery for others to eat, I am gonna use my special box to take it into the bakery


It was quite easy to put the desserts in the box but hard to keep it closed but now it's time to take to my bakery

I was walking to the bakery, hoping no one noticed the box since it would be my "special" surprise desserts.

🥯  At the bakery  🥯

As i was setting up the desserts then golfball and tennis ball walked in. Why now. I mean at least it wasn't someone like needle,match or pencil coming here. Match and pencil only ever comes here to complain about the coffee I make here and needle, although she's not that bad but, she does ask for very much and I'm the only one who works here, I only let leafy, coiny and firey help me ever once in a while. "Pin, give me and tb a place to sit, we don't have all day since we have to get some others to help with a project and we only have 3 minutes til their ready and we both still haven't eaten anything yet and your bakery was the only nearest place" golfball just said that so fast that all I heard was that she was in a rush and needed to be seated so obviously I took them to their seat, took their order and brought what they order to them, gb (golfball) order her usual, black coffee with a croissant and tb also asked for a black coffee but with a bread I don't even know how to pronounce yet still makes it, I think it's called a Ezekiel bread but doesn't matter. Golfball just gave me the exact amount of money before I gave her the bill and she didn't even start eating yet but I assume that she was paying me now because she's in a rush.

"Thank pin" tennis ball was little more polite then golfball but it was probably for a reason "yeah, thanks pin, tb we have to go get them now" golfball grabbed tennis ball's hand and just ran to her car, throwing him in the passenger seat and her getting into the drivers seat. No surprise to me because she does that always when she has to go somewhere with someone and their in a rush. Trust me. I know.


I was just hanging out with flower,teardrop,gelatin and lollipop. Just suddenly flower got hit in the face by a poster that's the size of printer paper. "Oof! Huh? What's this?" We all stopped for that moment when flower said that. Lollipop grabbed the paper and looked at it and apparently it was two pieces of paper "eh? Two missing people..nickel and cloudy." I was quite the surprised since me and pin were the last who saw those two "I was the last who saw them well me and pin who last saw them but it would be impossible..."

Teardrop just looked at us looking at the paper then looked away... strange but I'm gonna be honest, she does that often

"Im gonna be honest with you guys or should I say gals, I kinda expected that at some point something would've happened to them since as we know they often yelled at her and sometimes nickel would hurt her too so maybe, someone saw those things and might've done something to them, though I can't be sure if it was someone who did" gelatin being the youngest member of our group had a surprisingly good point. "Good point jelly boy, good point. Also it would be impossible if it was leafy or her coin friend, she was with him all day" "yeah! It wouldn't be any of us because like you said leafy was with coiny all day yesterday, you and gelatin were at a café with donut to discuss something about something yesterday, teardrop was at home all day and I was with ruby in the mall" well it's good to know that non of them did it and then I look at teardrop once again and she had her arms crossed looking down and then she used her hand signs to tell us to worry about that later and just keep walking to go to where we were going which was a amusement park, so we just kept walking after seeing teardrop say that in hand signals but I kept looking at teardrop and it seemed like she saw something but I probably shouldn't worry about it too much...

Or should I...


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