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"So, moving on to the next question."

"Noooo," Taeri whined. "I've been studying since morning. Cut me some slack, eh Teacher?"

Before Naeun could reply, her phone started ringing. "Fine, but I want you to do this question before our session tomorrow." She circled the question number with a pencil.

"Okay!" The high schooler replied chirpily.

Naeun called Donghyuck back as she left Taeri's house. "Done with tutoring?" He asked.

"Just finished. Why'd you call?" Naeun walked towards the bus stop.

"I'm hurt, Naeun. I didn't know I needed a reason to call my friend."

The girl rolled her eyes. "Spit it out, Hyuck."

"It's my mom's birthday in a few days. Help me pick out a present?"

Naeun wasn't physically tired but mentally she was drained. "Is Jiyoung not up for it? You know she's better at picking presents." She sat on the bench at the bus stop.

"That traitor is on a date with Renjun." Naeun could sense Donghyuck rolling his eyes as he said that. Ever since Renjun and Jiyoung started dating in the summer vacations, Donghyuck has been complaining about being the only single one in the group. But after Jaemin started hanging out with them, he didn't feel like a third wheel most of the time.

"Okay," she gave in. "Where do you want to meet?"

Naeun hoped on a different bus that would take her to the place Donghyuck had suggested. If she was being honest, she did miss hanging out with her friends. Even though it was summer break from university, her friends were busy with jobs and other engagements.

And Jeno... she missed him most of all, it had already been a week since she last spoke to him and three weeks since she saw his face. He and his family were in Japan, visiting Hyein, not to return until next week. Last year when they'd found out about Hyein, Jeno's family were beside themselves. And since then they'd visited her twice already. They tried to keep the visits to a minimum lest Doyoung's father gets suspicious.

Perhaps agreeing to go with Donghyuck was the right thing to do. She did need a breath of fresh air, and Donghyuck was just that.

After they met up, they scoured the mall for the perfect gifts. Donghyuck couldn't decide between a lamp that looked like a sun and a heart-shaped necklace. He ended up buying both. He also bought Naeun ice cream to thank her for accompanying him.

By the time she got off the bus to her house, the sun had gone down. Now, she was physically tired too. A couple more steps and then you can collapse on your bed, her inner voice was driving her on.

She reached the staircase and froze, there was a bike parked at the foot of it. The owner sat on it sideways, he looked up at the sound of her footsteps and grinned, his eyes narrowing to crescents.

"Jeno," she breathed. All the drowsiness left her body and was replaced by a gush of euphoria that pumped through her veins, providing the fuel to break into a sprint. Jeno stood up, walked forward, and opened his arms to receive her. She collided with him but he didn't stumble. He was always that strong support she needed. He picked her up from the ground and held her there in his arms.

Naeun looked down at him, cupping his face with her hands. She couldn't explain with words, how incredibly happy she was that he was here. That she could touch him. So she brought her mouth down on his, kissing him. Jeno slowly put her down, not breaking the kiss. He brought his hands around her waist and brought her closer until there was nothing but their clothes between them. This way, she didn't have to say it. The kiss said it all, that she had missed him. She loved him.

They were both panting when they separated. Their eyes were hazy and their desire heightened instead of being satisfied.

"That was quite a welcome," Jeno whispered.

Naeun rolled her eyes. "You said you would come next week."

"Yes, that was the plan but plans change."

"You should've texted me when you landed. Were you waiting here long?"

"I wanted to surprise you. And it was worth the wait-" he lifted Naeun's chin with his finger "-the look on your face. Also, I doubt you would have kissed me like this if you'd known in advance." Naeun slapped his hand away. Jeno chuckled. "Have you had dinner yet?"

"I haven't."

They went on a mini-date. They ate dinner at their favourite place. To Naeun, the food tasted even better than usual. After a little stroll, they headed back to Jeno's bike so that he could drop her home. "You don't have to go home, you know?" Jeno said before picking up his helmet.

"I don't?" Naeun looked at him, confused.

"You could come home with me," he said, grabbing her elbow and pulling her closer. He looked down at her, eyes twinkling with mischief. "And since we're both legally adults..." he trailed off.

Naeun started laughing and pushed him away. "Not a chance."

Jeno pouted but drove her home, stopping at the base of the staircase. As Naeun dismounted, he took off his helmet and shook his hair out. When she handed him the helmet he held her hands in his. "There's still time to change your mind. You can tell your mom that you're spending the night at Jiyoung's and-"

"Goodbye, Jeno." She cut him off.

Jeno only pulled her closer, gently kissing her forehead. "I love you," he breathed.

Naeun looked down at their hands shyly, "I love you too," she smiled at him. "But I'm still not changing my mind."

Jeno smiled and kissed her hand. "See you tomorrow."


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For Love's Sake has finally come to an end. My thanks to all those who gave this book a chance. A special thanks to everyone who motivated me to write this.

Until next time,

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