Chapter 85

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'No kidding' thought Kevin, so it was because they didn't know what zombies were that the three of them were looking at him that way.

Kevin sighed helplessly and explained to them : "Well ... They are originally humans but have been deprived of consciousness and they are often very aggressive and cannibalistic."

Axel who had never heard of something like that said to him trying to reassure him : "Don't worry there won't be this kind of thing here, the last line of defense for their nest will probably be their sentries."

Kevin has preferred not to point out that he wasn't at all worried or scared, on the contrary, he was very excited, but what Axel had just said caught his attention and he looked at him startled before asking : "Did you spot any ?"

Axel smiled at him and said : "There are about ten approaching at high speed, you should be able to see their notifications soon."

And as Axel had predicted, the first notification appeared only few seconds later, it came from the roof of the mansion.


Name : Elite Knight Vampire

Race : Superior Demon

Class : Fighter

Level 35

HP : 1050 / 1050

Recover 5 HP / sec

Kevin frowned and read the information for everyone, he could recover 5 HP points per second, it was the scariest thing he had seen so far, it made them almost impossible to kill.

He understood better why Axel had told him to rip out their heart and not stab them, instant death was definitely the only way to kill them.

The Vampire was dressed in an uniform all in black and he was also wearing a long red cloak. His face was as white as snow and his lips were a blood red that contrasted starkly with the color of the rest of his face, he also had a reddish glow that was shining in his black eyes.

Kevin took his shortswords in his hands and he prepared himself to fight, he was now level 25, thanks to his Stats improved by those of his weapons, this Vampire should not be a problem to him.

Suddenly, notifications popped up from everywhere and there were 6 more Elite Knight Vampires that looked like two drops of water like the first Vampire that appeared, and the most powerful of them was level 48.

There were also 4 Warrior Vampires, respectively level 57, 63, 68, and 75.

They could be easily differentiate from the others because their long cloak weren't red but black with golden buttons which gave a very showy effect, it was probably a way to recognize their superiority rank within their nest.

When Kevin gave the information he got from the System, Axel said in an authoritative and non-negotiable tone : "With Alan we'll be dealing with the Warrior Vampires, we'll let you give them the final blow so you both will be able get some more experience points."

He looked at Erik and said : "Erik I would love to tell you that I entrust Kevin's safety to you but I'm not really sure he needs it, so just be careful the two of you and watch out for each other."

The vampires were also grouped together to talk about their attack strategy, they were more numerous than them but two of the intruders were extremely powerful, it would be difficult to stop them.

The Warrior Vampire who was level 75, then took out a bat from his long black cloak and whispered in its ear the information they had gathered on the intruders.

He sent it to warn their master of the danger represented by these intruders and then he focused again on those powerful opponents.

Their attack strategy was similar to the one Axel had just given, except that the Vampire leader thought that his men he had sent to deal with the two weaker ones would come back and give them a hand after they were done with them, he thought that it shouldn't take them long to finish them off.

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