Who are you?!?

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Fulis prov:
I didn't mean to snap like that! I wasn't thinking straight! Everyone is gonna hate me and i-
Fuli hears a twig snap but turns around sharply but sees nothing.
I mean..I don't hate lions they're just-

??: Stubborn and don't listen

???: Straight out evil more like it !

Fuli turns her head and looks at the trees where she herd the noise .

Fuli: Who are you! Show your selves now.

??? :Huh so you can tell she's apart of the Day pride .

??:now now she's not like them if anything she's like us ...

Fuli now was really confused she got in a fighting stance .

Fuli: look! I don't what your deal is but you ain't getting near Queen Rani or king kion.
The two mysterious animals burst into laughter.

???: You think we want to speak to those lion cowards! Don't be so silly the ain't even royal they're fakers Haahha

??: She's right tho fuli we have been watching you for quite awhile now and we know your like us not them ..

??:of course it would be rude not to show a new friend who we are really..
After all it's the elemental way

So many questions were running through her head about these two
The way they spoke about kion and Rani .
Fuli braced her self for what she might see .

And as the sun was setting their eyes shined bright as they stepped out.

This is the ?? One

As the first one stepped out fuli saw how she was a panther and had a fire necklace around her and what normally looked like a guard symbol had fire on it She had ruby coloured eyes she was very elegant and had a good posture

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As the first one stepped out fuli saw how she was a panther and had a fire necklace around her and what normally looked like a guard symbol had fire on it
She had ruby coloured eyes she was very elegant and had a good posture

??: Allow me to interduce my self my name is kulia (which means in Swahili to cry or pain)

Kulia: and this is my friend Huzuni (which means sorrow)

Huzuni has sapphire eyes and had the same elemental guard symbol but it was a snowflake and she had a necklace too

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Huzuni has sapphire eyes and had the same elemental guard symbol but it was a snowflake and she had a necklace too .
She walked out and put out her wings which were twice the size of angas to make a bow to fuli .

Huzuni: pleasure to meet you fuli.

Fuli:alright you may talk but I don't know why you wouldn't want kion and Rani but you want me instead.

Kulia:yes! Just like you lions took my home and huzuni's! Lions shouldn't be on thrones and that's why our ansestors chose 3 creature to hold a power stronger than the roar of the elders.

Kulia let out a big smile as she started to circle fuli .

Fuli:my family...no.. they died at a flood !

Huzuni:and who told you this?

Fuli:King Simba di-

Fuli looked at the ground now worrying if they were right was it true were lions that evil

Kulia:Fuli who welcomed you to the pridelands
Fuli:kion and then queen Nala but-
Huzuni : who were the ones at the place were your parents died!
Fuli: ...simbas pride but listen!


Kulia:Now who do you think lied to you about your parents real death ..

Kulia was now standing still making eye contact with fuli.

Fuli has tears in her eyes .
Her eyes shine bright green as she looked up .

Fuli:Kion did ....

Fuli: lions ... shouldn't lead! They're evil!

Kulia: agreed fuli as you see we both have necklaces and I think you know what you need to do ..join us ! And we show them all lions over all more like lions below all !

Huzuni: we will give you some time to think but just keep in mind what we said .

Fuli: ..I'll keep... It in mind...

Kulia :and fuli you can always find us we are all connected just focus and you will know what I mean...and we always listen not like your fake friends ....

Kulia:the only reason they didn't kill you was beacause they wanted you to help defend their land beacause Simba knows your parents were gonna have a child ,
A child who will be chosen like the three of us has already been ,they tried to make u like a lion..keep that in mind too

As the two run off into the shadows .
Fuli is left with all these questions .

She looked at the tree of life as anger burned in her heart .

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