Chapter 1 the beginning of love

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You are walking down the street and you see this short boy with dark brown hair or black
Y/n pov: why is he out here at night like this... is he like me left orphan.
Y/n: why are out here at this time of night.
Levi: I should be asking you the same question
Y/n: my parents just died due to a titan this morning.
Levi: do you have a place to stay.
Y/n: no...why.
Levi: follow me.
Y/n: ok
You two walk to some old looking house but on the inside as you walk in it was so clean to the point were if you looked for hours you wouldn't find a speck of dirt.
Y/n: how is this house so clean.
Levi: because I cleaned it
Y/n: ok
Levi goes up stairs and grabs you some clothes and throws them to you and you go where he told you to go and change.
Y/n: where do I sleep.
Levi: points up stairs as he goes towards to couch.
Y/n: I'm not taking you bed.
Levi: ok then you sleep on the couch.
Y/n: ok.
Levi goes up stairs to grab you a pillow and blanket. Once he gives you the pillow and blanket you try to sleep but you couldn't but you didn't know why. You were there staring at the celling you think to yourself it's probably where your still kinda shook up about what happened earlier.
But your heart is thinking about someone else other than you parent...
The next morning...
You were up all night and still up by the time Levi was up.
Levi: what are doing up at this time
Y/n: idk
Levi: what do you want for breakfast.
Y/n: pancakes if you don't care if I fix them
Levi: nope I'll make them.
Y/n: ok
After breakfast
Levi: what's your name?
Y/n: y/n l/n, yours?
Levi: Levi Ackerman.
Y/n: what happened to your parents, if you don't mind me asking?
Levi: my dad left as soon as I was born, while my mom died of an unknown illness, but it wasn't catagis.
Y/n: I'm sorry
Levi: looking at confused. Why are saying sorry
Y/n: a kind guester idk.
Levi: thank u then. That is when Levi realized he likes you more than a friend way. You were still clueless to your own feelings at that time.
You and him just spent all day talking to get to know each other and you realized he wasn't all ways grouchy and that he had a beautiful smile. he made you smile a lot considering you just lost your whole family yesterday. You figured that he also had a lot of attitude and he is the same height as you. You noticed something about him that was weird like he had a fever or something.

That's all and sorry for the cliffhanger

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