Chapter 2 the lovable person

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Authors note: ⚠️tw⚠️ there is violence, cat calling, and getting used for your body.

You soon figured out you had a crush on Levi not to the point where you get butterflies but to the point where you feel safe with him and he felt the same way with you. You to grew close to the point where you and him share everything with each other but you liked that.
Three months have since u have been living with Levi. You two are as close as ever and you crush is slowly turning into actual feelings.
Y/n: Levi since your going to the store can you get me some pads cause I'm out.
Levi: yeah do you need anything else.
Y/n: nope, thank u
Levi: no problem
He goes out to the store to get the food supply for the month and gets you pads/tampons. He gets back and gives you your pads/tampons and you take them to the bathroom.
The next month:
This time you go to the store with him and you meet a guy because you bumped into him you say sorry and says this" it's ok beautiful". Levi is now getting visibly pissed but you couldn't see it.
You: can you not call me that.
The random guy: why not it's true.
Levi could tell by the things he's already said he was more than likely the type to over sexualize a girl.
He starts saying even more disgusting things to you as and Levi were walking off Levi turns around real fast and punch's him making his nose bleed. You just stand there is shock that Levi did that to that guy. That guy pins Levi to the ground as he is fixing to punch him and you could tell by the look on the dudes face he was planing on doing some damage. But before he could punch Levi, Levi punch him again knocking one of the guys teeth out this time. And to tie the knot perfectly Levi head buts the guy hard causing the guy to pass out. As soon as y'all get back home you go to the bathroom immediately to get hydrogen peroxide to put on his knuckles which were bleeding.
Y/n: why did punch that guy.
Levi: because no one can say such disgusting things to you when I'm around.
Y/n: but I'm used to it.
Levi: you shouldn't get used to stuff like that, you shouldn't even have to worry about stuff like that happening to you.
Y/n: I've just learnt that most guys will use you for your body to so I just get used to boys cat calling me and saying disgusting stuff like that.
Levi: you so much more than your body you have great personality and funny so to the people that have cat called you in past and said disgusting things like that 1. They need to be neutered 2. Officially didn't know u for the amazing person you are.
You start blushing and that night you were just staring at the ceiling and wondering if he liked you more than a friend way or if he was giving his classic advice.

Sorry but... once again a cliffhanger

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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