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Changbin stared at Han, unable to process his words.


"I'm not coming with you. I need to find him."

"Han, get your ass over here, we'll look for him when we get to the control room. Don't be a fucking idiot!" Changbin hissed, not wanting to raise his voice in fear of the zombies.

"If I die, I fucking deserve it. I just-I can't do nothing!" his voice rose to a shout, startling both of them.

It rang throughout the empty hall.

"I-I'm sorry-I didn't mean to-I have to-I have to find him..."

With that, Han took off running.

Changbin wanted to scream out his name, to tell him to stop. But he couldn't. Not without putting him in more danger. His eyes filled with tears.

"Bin, they're coming. Bin!"

Changbin felt a tug on his arm as Felix pointed ahead at a mass of zombies. But all Changbin saw were the tears on Felix's cheeks. The pain in his expression.

He wanted to run after Jisung just as much as he did.

But they both knew they had a mission.

They had to get Yeosang to the south control room. And Han was heading into a suicide mission.

They couldn't stop him.

They probably wouldn't ever see him again.

Felix let out a quiet sob, trying not to make more noise. Changbin wiped his eyes and bent over, offering Felix his back.

"Then we need to get going."

Felix hesitated but knew better than to fight Changbin. He was too stubborn for his own good.

"We...we need to go," Yeosang whispered, unsure how to approach the other two given the recent turn of events.

Changbin nodded, adjusting Felix on his back. Felix gripped his neck tightly but made sure not to put pressure on his trachea. He wrapped his legs around Changbin's waist, hoping to at least be able to stay on Changbin's back.

It was the only thing he could do to help.

Yeosang nodded, gripping his mop tightly. Changbin could see the fear in his eyes.

They all knew Changbin was the only one who could get them out of this alive.

It was all on him.

And if it came down to it...

If he had to choose between Felix and Yeosang...

He didn't know if he could be objective.

But if he didn't get Yeosang to safety...he could never face the other five.

But now with losing Han and the uncertainty of the situation for the other members, Felix was all he had left. He wasn't ready to go. Not yet.

But Yeosang stepped forward, jabbing into the mass. Changbin didn't hesitate, following suit as he swung a large metal case back and forth, clearing a path forward.

Once they'd pushed back enough of the zombies to have room to slip by close to the wall, Changbin grabbed Yeosang by the shirt and dragged him along as he sprinted through.

As they made it past the first group, they spread back out across the hall, maintaining a full sprint.

"Why the hell are there so many of them?! I thought the attack team was supposed to take care of at least a few!" Yeosang cried, looking over his shoulder.

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