4. Framed

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      Still thinking about my actions, and whether they were the best choices or not, I got up and got dressed for school, hating the fact that Mattheo was in almost every class of mine. Reluctantly, I touched the bruise on my finger that was left when I punched Theo, examining the shape and colour of it. It's honestly just my luck, every year before this one, I've been the odd one out, and now, when I finally befriend someone, it backfires, horribly. I was just starting to enjoy life, until this happened. I've always been a relatively happy person, I guess, but now, it just feels like I'm spiralling out of control. I put on my socks and shoes, and I slowly put on my robe. Making my way through the day would be absolute hell.

     First period wasn't so horrible. It was more so long rather than painful. Obviously, Theo was in my class, and it was Potions Class, the worst possible class to have as a first period. It was the stereotypical bullying in every teen drama. Paper balls, paper aeroplanes, name callings, you know, the normal.

     Second period was probably the worst of all. I had Defence Against the Dark Arts, and we were practising defence spells, which of course, Theo and I were paired together, and I think Umbridge did that because she knows what's happening. I ended up being escorted to Madam Pomfrey's office by Pansy, and she kept telling me how sorry she and Draco were, but I didn't believe Draco could feel sorry for anything. We made it to the office at a quarter till one, and by the time I left, it was 3:30. I missed lunch, third, and fourth period. I obviously wasn't about to sit at the Slytherin table, especially with the way Mattheo has been acting. I went and sat at the Gryffindor table with Hermione, Ron, and Harry instead.

     "So," Harry started, looking ticked off. "Mattheo? Seriously Y/N? I thought you were smarter than that." Harry said, his voice getting louder and louder. Ron backed him up nonverbally, nodding at statements he agreed with. Hermione stared at him, and then back to me as tears started forming in my eyes. "Why would you develop feelings for the son of the man WHO IS TRYING TO KILL ME?!" he screamed the last part so loud, it echoed through the halls. I sat there silently, crying while people turned around to look at us, while they murmured to one another, while they silently judged us. Hermione hugged me and whispered in my ear "It'll be alright, he's just angry, he'll calm down, I promise." she smiled politely. I looked up through my tears and whispered a small 'thank you'. People stared as I marched silently, tears falling, out of the Great Hall.

     When I got back to the common room, it was all anyone was talking about. Me, Harry, Mattheo, Hermione, Daphne, Pansy, everyone knew all of the details. In this school, rumours spread like wildfires, secrets spread like diseases, and reputations drop like flies. If you have a secret, you better take it to your grave. I rounded the corner to look for a book, when I look over my shoulder to see Daphne. Daphne in Blaise's lap. Blaise covered head to toe, just like Mattheo, in lipstick marks. I stand there silently, just staring, not knowing if I should speak up or not...someone has to notice, right? And how could she do this to Theo? The man who made me laugh, just by looking at me, the man who hates me because of three little words. I decided what I should do.

     "Hey Greengrass!" I screamed. "You're a pathetic little wh-" Pansy appeared by my side, and she covered my mouth before I could finish my sentence. "Just throw the book," she whispered. "Add insult to injury, not injury to insult." she smiled as she moved her hand and watched the chaos take place. I grabbed the largest book I could find, since Daphne didn't seem to realise I was talking to her, or she just didn't care. I drew my arm back as far as possible, and I threw the book with full force at her face, but just before it hit, the book stopped in mid-air.

     "Ms. Flannery," Professor Snape commanded, standing with his wand outstretched, as if he just cast a spell. My face turned bright red, once again, all eyes in the room were on me, which was a feeling I was used to by now. I just sighed and hung my head as I walked quickly over to Professor Snape. "I'm sorry, Professor. I messed up," I said once I reached his side. "Save your apology, girl. You'll need to answer to Professor Dumbledore, this issue is out of my control." out of his control? I just threw a book...right?

     As I entered Professor Dumbledore's office, I began to realise that I wasn't here because I threw a book, but I have no clue what they think I've done. "Professor, could you please tell me why I'm here?" I ask, timidly. He tilts his head down, as if reading a book, yet there's no book on his desk. He looked up, acknowledging the fact I asked a question. "Ms. Flannery, you know why you're here. We've been told by several students that you have been seen causing violent fights with Voldemort's boy, and you've also been reported to have put the Imperius Curse on Mr. Blaise Zabini," Dumbledore said, looking like a disappointed father. What...? I didn't put anyone under any curse! How would anyone get an idea like that...DAPHNE! "No sir! I swear, I didn't do anything! You can check my wand, check the previous spells! I'm telling you, Professor, I didn't do it!" I cried, beginning to feel tears welling in my eyes. Professor McGonagall took my wand and exited the room. We all sat there in silence.

     Five minutes later, Professor McGonagall came back, my wand in her hand. "It's true, her last spell was the defence spell which was taught in her last Defence Against the Dark Arts class," she said with a sympathetic look. "That means nothing! She could've stolen someone else's wand!" Snape exclaimed. "We haven't had any reports of stolen wands for over a month, and I highly doubt this poor girl would've done that!" Professor McGonagall argued back. Snape glared at her. "Ok then, how do you explain the fighting, Ms. Flannery?" He asked, acidically. I sigh and bow my head. "I can't deny it because I did fight him," I said, feeling defeated. Snape triumphantly grunted, and Professor Dumbledore looked at me. "If you didn't do it, who did?" he asked, referring to the Imperius. Only one name came to mind. 

     "Daphne Greengrass, Professor."

Until The Very End - Mattheo Riddle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now