7. Resigned

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     His response made my blood boil. How can there be a 'special arrangement' going on behind my back — about me, without me even being aware of what it is. "I don't care what it is Theo! I'll love you forever, and I don't care if you don't feel the same!" I exclaim, yelling the last part. He turns his back on me and stares out the window. "I wish it were that easy, darling, but you just can't have the cake and eat it too." Those were his last words before he disapparated.  I tried to give my mind time to process what just happened, but nothing came to mind, as to why any of that would make sense. Did I do something to hurt his feelings? Did someone tell him something? Does this relate to the news he received from his 'father of the year'?

      Now that my prison sentence was over, it was time for me to head back to Hogwarts, and as far as I knew, Daphne was still coming back as well. Packing my stuff as quickly as possible, I hurried to grab all of my books, which were strewn across the room and over my desk. I made sure I had all of the essentials packed and I ran to the car, where my father sat. "If I get another owl from that school telling me that you've gotten into a fight missy, I'll make you join the Death Eaters, you hear me?" He said, sounding brutally poisonous. I just nodded, agitated that he brought that up, since he knows I'd die before I joined the Death Eaters.

     The ride on the train wasn't as long as it normally was, at least, it didn't seem as long. Maybe that was because I was sharing a cabin with Troy, maybe it was because he wouldn't shut up. See, the kid was nice, but he was soooo talkative. Most of the time, I'd just answer his questions with 'yep' or 'nah' rather than actually give him a detailed response. After the hour long train ride, it was pitch black, so I had no classes to attend for the day, obviously. I had nothing to do when I got to school, so I went up to my dormitory and laid in my bed, just thinking. As far as I found out, from recalling memories, I was no longer friends with Blaise, Ron, Harry, or Astoria, which I was perfectly fine with the last one. It didn't bother me in the slightest.

     I decided that I should attend my classes like a good student, that way I didn't end myself on another persons blacklist. Most of the classes were excruciatingly slow, especially Potions, since Snape kept picking on me, and asking all the questions he knew I didn't have an answer to. Many people seemed to take interest in Troy, like he was this shiny new toy. He ended up getting sorted into Slytherin, which I thought was odd, considering the fact the kid would never hurt a fly, but I went with it. Mattheo still wasn't talking to me, but I'm the hallway when we'd walk to class together, he'd hold my hand, and when we sat next to each other in our classes, he'd hold my hand then too. I was getting agitated with the fact that he wouldn't talk to me, but as long as he was still showing me some attention, I was okay with it.

     It appears that Daphne hadn't came back to school yet, but I hadn't seen anything in the Daily Prophet about a schoolgirl sent to Azkaban for hexing the love of her life. My relationship with Troy got stronger, and he started kissing my cheek when we parted. Theo honestly didn't seem too mad about it, until Troy kissed me on the lips.

     "Alright, you dick, that's too far! I can handle you hugging her, holding her hand, even kissing her cheek, but don't you dare snog her!" He yelled, one day, in the middle of Herbology when Professor Sprout left us unattended. Troy just started at him, like he was a child, caught in a lie, or a deer in headlights. Theo quickly equipped his wand, and Troy did the same, not meaning anything by it. "Confringo!" Theo yelled. Troy flew back, into Pansy, who yelped in shock. "Bombarda!" Troy shouted back, clearly aware that Theo wasn't joking. Theo dodged the attack, and summoning all of his courage, he shouted the next spell. The next thing I did surprised me, even. I jumped in front of Troy. "SECTUMSEMPRA!" Theo roared. The last thing I remember hearing was the horrified shouts of everyone around and Theo gasping.

     I opened my eyes to see Troy sitting next to me, on what appeared to be a hospital bed. So I was in the hospital wing, was I? He smiled when he saw my eyes open, and it looked as if he'd been waiting here for a while, as there were bags under his eyes. "You're awake!" He exclaimed. "Here," he said, handing me a silver flask. "Drink this, it's just water," he explains. I thank him, and move my blanket up to see why my abdomen hurt so bad. The bandages I have wrapped around my stomach are so bloody that I can't remember where exactly the pain even is, it looks like it could be anywhere. "What happened?" I asked, just now realising how bad it actually hurt. He looked at me somberly. "You jumped in front of a curse that Mattheo sent, I think it was sectumsempra," he said. Wait, no...Theo wouldn't do that, would he? He must not've meant it, he couldn't've. "You know me and him can never be friends, right?" He asks me. I nod. "I've kinda resigned to that, honestly." I say, suddenly my head feels woozy. I really do miss Theo, but, then again, I'm here with Troy, the one who everyone is gushing over, and he's only paid attention to me. No, stop it. You love Theo, and nothing will change that. Ever.

Until The Very End - Mattheo Riddle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now