Chapter 2: Do He Got The Booty

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Gabe 's POV

"Did you guys hear about the new kid?" Chris said excitedly. He's not the usual one for gossip, why now?

He's the smartest out of our whole clique with his 'home work' and 'good grades'. But he's pretty attractive for how nerdy he actually is.

No homo intended.

With his clean cut black hair, glasses, button downs and you guessed right, blue fucking eyes. He was a very inappropriate boy at the worst times. But he is still like a brother to me. 

"The one with the green hair?" Jake asked dumbly. Don't get me started on Jake. He's a complete idiot but a good one. I guess you could call him a cute naïve boy.

Once again no homo.

He's usually equipped with a bag or two of chips to eat, he eats way too much. You would think he's really fat but no, he's actually in really good shape from all of the baseball he plays. His gelled up brown hair and shaggy clothing, you would think he's a outcast but in reality he is one of the most popular kids at our school.

"No, the one with the purple hair you uncultured swine" said Chris with sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Guys shut up" I muttered under my breath through sheer concentration. Who knew that baking a cake could be so hard? You just make batter and cook it! Its not that hard sounding. I shouldn't have taken baking club.

Then there is me. I'm hot as fuck.

I've got some sweet dirty blonde hair, sexy green eyes and my hot collection of sweaters. I guess I'm smart but I am hotter than smart.

"What's up your ass?" said Chris with surprise.

"Yeah have you not seen him? The new kid?" Jake shut up

Come to think about it, I have seen a boy with green hair. I was staring at Brad when he passed my view. Why is everybody so excited to have him as a new kid? I mean, he's not hot right?  Whatever no one can replace me anyway, I'm the hottest one here! Look how h-

"GABE" Chris screamed.

"WHAT ASSHAT" What did I just hit? That better have been Jake.

"Cheese and rice that freaking hurt"


That's not Jake.

As I look behind myself to see who I hit, quite hard too, I see a green haired boy clutching his nose.

The new kid.


"Oh man are you alright?" Shut up Jake... he's fine.

"His nose is bleeding" Great he's actually hurt, now I have to take him to the nurses office.

"C'mon lets go take you to the nurses office"

"No, I can do it myself" he mumbled.

Excuse me? I just offered my help to this boy. My help. How dare he? He should be delighted that I would sacrifice my popularity to help him out.


I'm the hottest guy in the school! I have boys and girls just falling to my feet!


"WHAT" I screamed.

"Shhhhhhhhh" the baking teacher exaggerated showing dislike towards my loudness.

"He went without you man... you didn't even say sorry"

"That's cold"

I didn't say anything back. I didn't want to, I was beyond mad. I could still see him walking down the hallway holding his nose. What makes me angrier is, that he has a nicer butt than me.

"Do he got the booty?..." Jake whispered. Don't Jake. Don't do it

"He doooooooooooo" He and Chris whispered.

Goddamnit Jake.

Goddamnit Chris.

You guys are such homos, Jesus.

Hey guys well Leah didn't leave an author's I'm here.
Well I hope you liked this update and please vote, comment. And share this story.
Also I think of Micheal Clifford when I see 'the guy with the green hair'...
Don't judge me.
But I kinda left a  l o n g e r  author's note on MLS WHICH I UPDATED ON!! So yeah if you want to read that then this is my profile

So that's it, I guess
Bye my little bow-ties
I love you all
Even you... Katie.
-Jackiee :)

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