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NYAAA....Last one for him, I swear lol.

Word Count: 1059


Was he really going soft?

So dreadfully soft that as he watched the pestering, little skinsuit named (f/n) sit by him he was actually pleased, pleased enough to withhold the typical groan of lament that would have escaped him had anyone else actually had the nerve to take the seat.

'No...' he inwardly interjected.

It wasn't possible, it couldn't and shouldn't be.

she tilted her head up to look at him, the cheeky little grin she wore annoyingly upbeat for someone who was sitting next to a literal murder-bot, but perfect enough for someone so foolish they actually considered it a friend.

It was certainly fitting for someone that inched dangerously close to the boogeyman.

" looks like it's you and me again," She said so while lightly swaying left to right in her seat, undoubtedly pleased by the pairing.

It wasn't their first time together, and by then they'd become familiar with each other, thier movements easily synching.

If anyone asked her he wasn't 'That bad.'

And while he'd quite literally chortled with approval at hearing that, if anyone asked him about her, he wouldn't even bother to answer.

"Lucky me," she added while going as far as to lean into him for just a second as he glowered down at her all the while.

"...Partner," she softly sang, and oh it did something to him, something terrible and sickly sweet.

- Something that gave him the phantom feeling of a heart.

His eyes were ignited by a devilish flame and he made it a point to seem threatening, to remind her yet again that he wasn't her little buddy, but something to fear.

So what if he happened to leave behind the better loot for her, going as far as to carry it around until he made sure she got it.

It just meant that she needs it more than he ever could, and he doesn't need her to drag him down.

If she's going to stick to him like glue then she might as well be of use, right?

And so what if he just happened to let her come close?

It's not like he let everyone do it, just this one very annoying little creature that just didn't get the hint.

His lightly curved back straightened, and with that alone, he left her even smaller, the incline of her head becoming more prominent as she followed his shift.

"Just stay out of my way girlie," he taunted, and she instantly pouted.

Of all things, that's what irked her.

It wasn't the taunts or even the backhanded compliments he threw her way that most certainly would have been off-putting to anyone else.

It was the damned way he seemed to dismiss her, purposely dismissing her name when she'd said it clearly before.

"I have a name you know," she said so with exasperation, her eyebrows falling flatly as she expressed annoyance. "I've told you my name more than once," she droned out.

"So call me by my name," she then added firmly.

Surely she wasn't all rainbows and sunshine, and she wasn't so simply stepped on either, but a perfect in-between.

It did make things a little fun, and if he was going to live this damn long he might as well find some sort of amusement to pass the time when he wasn't spilling red.

"Oh?" he hummed.

The way her lips were still pressed together and pointed was enticing and like a fool, he chuckled. He actually chuckled and grinned, and in his own idiotic way, he fed her more of that foolish idea that she was anything special.

'Special...' he thought to himself considering that maybe he wasn't going soft, but that, in some way, she was just a bit different from everyone else.

The way she nestled to him...the way she talked to him, it all was so familiar and friendly.

It was only for him, all of it belonged to him.

And in some sort of way, (f/n) was his.

His hand rose, moving towards her face, his thumb touching flesh first before his palm fell over her chin, the rest of the ghastly digits falling onto her one by one, slowly. It was by all means nothing tender, but she seemed rather unperturbed.

Her expression still dull.

"Little skinsuit," he breathed, with a saccharine tone, clearly taunting her.

"Or else...?" he continued before A burst of chilling laughter followed on his behalf and her (e/c) colored eyes closed slightly as she smiled, her entire face touched by the little expression.

Of course, she giggled, sounding absolutely adorable and from up close, looking positively cherishable.

Seconds after he felt a hand touch his face, the little palm that lay over his cheek sitting there. His eyes suddenly glowed with more color, and she mused over the idea that, that was his own way of forming an expression.

Again she released another little titter that made him feel warm,

"I guess I won't sit next to you anymore," she said while coyly looking away, and he scoffed at that.

"Ha! That supposed to be a threat?" he questioned her back while his hand slid down to her neck, his sharpened ends dragging over the sweet flesh.

Little red marks formed over her skin before they then faded, the soft sting of his touch twisting the inside of her stomach in a strangely delicious way.

"seeing as you can't keep your hands off me..." she started, speaking with a cheeky grin that grew as he made a sound that sounded choked.

"I think it's a fitting punishment," she said while her hands fell onto his wrist, fingers peeling his hand off of her before she completely slipped out of his personal space.

I mean, that was what he wanted ....right?

She stepped back, and as she turned he caught sight of the haughty smirk she wore,

"Let's hope you remember my name by the time we drop ship."

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