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He's not too nice, lol Maybe very snarky AT BEST.

Based on the Saviors Launch Trailer, mostly thought of as I saw Loba and Valk// so cute.

word count: 2070


You faintly recognized your surroundings as the room spun, the thick knot that was forming at the back of your head evidence of how battered you were, along with the oozing red that dripped down from your scalp, and what most certainly felt like a shattered rib.

"ow..." you muttered weakly, rapidly blinking to try and ward off the sudden haziness of your vision that only let you see blurs behind a thick sheet of moisture.

One of your hands then moved to lay over your ribcage, ghosting over the left portion where the scalding ache continued to fester from and made your body unwittingly curl as a low hiss was performed.

You could be exaggerating, maybe there wasn't anything broken, but it still hurt like hell and something definitely felt like it'd snapped.

Something surely felt like it needed mending.

The recognition of sound came later, and somewhere Mixed along with the newfound sense was indication of gunfire as well as the bestial roar of the large crustaceous monster, and another cry that reached you and made you shrink.

The cry, or rather, shriek, was a shriek of complete fury, and you instantly recognized it by the voice alone, the inhumane sound immediately registered to one being.

You knew who'd released it, but you didn't know why.

You just hoped he was alright, and not a mess of scattered pieces that while didn't indicate his death, still brought you sadness.

After all, there was nothing more disheartening than the sight of him torn, the consciousness that still clung to the body existing through pain, unable to simply switch off and avoid such a nightmare.

You hoped he was alright, and he was,

- somewhat.

His body seared with heat, the entirety of it consumed in black the second he saw the beast swipe at you and connect an attack, much more when he witnessed it go for a second strike just after you'd been hit.

He'd moved swiftly, his body twisting itself in accordance to reach you and stand on guard, taking the strike if he had to, something he'd been doing frequently, more times than he'd care to count.

He could take it.

After all, he was nothing but replaceable parts, and you... weren't.

Luckily, it was unneeded as the rest of the legends had moved in on it, forcing it to retreat, the varmint not knowing which way to go other than back as it was met with an onslaught of bullets and heavy fire.

You lay there, breathing, but unconscious, and as he turned back and saw that, it got the better of him, the rage he felt needing an outlet, making him turn back to your attacker with a menacing stalk.

"I'd take a bullet for you," you said coyly, leaning into his arm as he sat there, waiting on the dropship.

What had you so attached to him, he wouldn't be able to really name, perhaps lunacy, especially when he thought of how you thought you were inconspicuous.

Did you really think you had anyone fooled?

People were starting to talk...

"-Then take 6 " he was quick to say, and that made you pout, the sudden drop to your happy smile making him snicker.

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