Transcript from the Dewhurst Morning News

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News Anchor: Anyone native to Dewhurst knows of the infamous mob boss, D.C. Silverenn, whose illegal activities terrorized our city for decades during the twentieth century. Legend has it that in the 1980s, right before Silverenn passed, the old mob boss hid her fortune and created a treasure map to direct the way. Five months ago, two young ladies, Cerise Lenoir and Emi Sung, stumbled upon these clues, which were concealed in music, and followed the riddled route all the way to a chest of Stradivarius instruments. We now have the opportunity to follow up with these now-famous women.

Interviewer: It's so great to have you back.

Cerise Lenoir: It's great to be here.

Emi Sung nods in agreement.

Interviewer: How have things been going over the past few months? Any new updates on the instruments?

CL: Well, they still don't sound as good as they should, that's for sure.

ES: And it's not entirely due to Cerise's playing skills.

Interviewer chuckles.

CL: But it seems that they were somehow well preserved within the cave. The chest was climate controlled so the wood wouldn't warp. Huh, wood wouldn't. That's kind of a funny statement.

Interviewer: A tongue twister for sure. So, what happened to the instruments? Were you able to sell them for a fortune?

CL: Only five of them. For the most part, we tried to track down any living descendants of those who had the instruments stolen from them. The rest of them were donated to museums.

Interviewer: And what about the remaining five?

ES: There was no evidence that they were stolen, so we were able to sell them.

Interviewer: So you got your fortune after all?

Cerise and Emi chuckle.

ES: I guess so.

Interviewer: Since finding the instruments, what sorts of things have been going on? Have any more mobsters crossed your paths lately?

CL: No, it seems that the police have not only managed to shut down the entire Silverenn crime ring, but they've also found leads to other criminals associated with them, and are in the process of shutting them down, too.

Interviewer: That's good to hear. How has finding Silverenn's treasure affected your careers?

CL: For starters, we've gotten way, way more jobs...

ES: And we're so grateful to everyone who has given us a chance.

CL: We never imagined getting this much coverage in our lives. Now, word is spreading like wildfire, especially due to our new social media platforms.

Interviewer: Ah yes, I've seen some clips of you, both as a trio and individually. You're exceptional players.

CL and ES: Thank you.

Interviewer: Tell me, whose idea was it to do social media advertising?

CL: Mine. I promised Emi that I'd market our trio more if she helped find the treasure.

Interviewer: It was well worth the bargain.

ES: I needed some sort of assurance she'd help us get a job when it was over. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to afford her shopping hobby, and I'd need to find a new roommate.

Interviewer chuckles.

Interviewer: Has the shopping picked up or slowed down since finding the treasure?

CL: Slowed down.

ES: Picked up.


ES: Honestly, I don't understand when Cerise finds the time to shop. But I know she's doing it because I never see her rewear an article of clothing anymore. It's a major problem.

CL: Oh, come on! I need to look nice for all the gigs we're doing now. It's for a good cause.

ES: It's also a waste of money.

CL: My money, not yours. If I practice my viola and pay for my own rent, I can splurge on some new clothes.

ES: Your spending habits have got to go.

CL: Careful, my habit got you that jumpsuit you're wearing.

ES: You never did tell me how much it cost.

Interviewer: Yes, how much did it cost?

CL: Oh, you know. Just a couple hundred.

ES: What? This whole time, I've been wearing your rent money?

CL: Relax, it's worth it. You rock it every time you wear it.

Interviewer: I do have to agree with Cerise. The color is very nice on you, Miss Sung.

Emi blushes.

Interviewer: So what's next? Any special projects?

CL: Well, we have been approached by a few producers about films... but nothing's decided yet.

Interviewer: That's huge. Are you excited about the prospect?

ES: Yes...

CL: Yeah, of course.

ES: But nothing's settled.

Interviewer: I've heard you've been seeing some doctors about your hands, Miss Sung. Could you give us some insight into that?

ES: Well... it turns out that years of over practicing have led to quite a bit of muscle weakness in my hands. I actually was getting tendonitis before I started to rest more. I've been trying to take it easy and rest my hands more, though it's hard since we're getting gig offers left and right. But my hands are doing much better than they were, and as long as I'm careful and play with easy, relaxed technique, playing a few hours a week isn't making my condition worse.

Interviewer: How long until a full recovery?

ES: My doctor recommends another few months of rest and physical therapy. But the prospects are looking good.

Interviewer: That's wonderful. What about your most recent hire? Is it true that a billionaire contacted you to play at a gala he's hosting?

CL: Yeah, we've been invited by Nolan Major to play at the annual Autumn Gala hosted at his mansion.

Interviewer: Fingers crossed it's a legit gig, and not mobsters again.

Cerise and Emi laugh.

ES: It's legit. It's a fundraiser for the non-profit Raise the Music, which seeks to provide a musical education for students in low-income schools. I actually plan to get involved with it myself as a teacher.

Interviewer: That sounds wonderful. What about you Miss Lenoir?

CL: I'll help out... when I'm not shopping, that is.

All chuckle.

Interviewer: It sounds like you have a lot going on. It's so great that things are looking up for you both. One more question — since this whole incident occurred, many have wondered if you'll do more treasure hunts. Have you given any thought to the idea?

ES: We have a lot going on. Another treasure hunt might be fun, but too big a distraction at this time.

CL: That's what you said about Silverenn's treasure hunt, and look where it got us.

ES: Yes, but that was different.


Interviewer: So... no more treasure hunts for the foreseeable future?

CL: I wouldn't say that. Would you, Emi?


ES: No, I guess not.

Interviewer: So yes to more potential treasure hunting in the future?

CL: If the opportunity presents itself, I'd go for it. Just like music, you sometimes need to improvise a little to get through life.

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