Thirty One: Tattoos and Lingerie

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The needle pierced Ivy's skin, black ink spraying across her lower abdomen as she closed her eyes, trying to numb the pain. Valentino chuckled and reached for her hand but she slapped him away, glaring at him.

"What? Don't tell me it hurts." He chuckled and Ivy pulled him the finger, frowning at his amused expression.

"Shut the fuck up." She snapped, dropping her head back onto the chair. Once the tattoo artist was done, he grabbed a cloth, gently wiping the sensitive skin with a cloth to remove the remaining ink.

"All done. Wanna go check it out?" The tattoo artist asked and Ivy nodded her head, pushing herself off of the chair as she held onto her shirt. She walked over the floor length mirror and gazed at the design on her lower stomach. It was of a butterfly with a dagger going down the middle. There wasn't too much shading and the tattoo only consisted of black ink but Ivy found it beautiful.

"It looks amazing. Thank you." Ivy smiled at the tattoo artist and he applied some cream to help the healing process. Ivy continued to stare at the tattoo, grateful for it as it was a cover up on the mark Matteo left on her. The "M" he carved into her skin was no longer visible and the tattoo covered it perfectly.

Valentino was next to sit in the chair and get tattooed. He laid on his stomach, his bare back on show and Ivy bit her lip, heat warming her cheeks when she saw the red nail marks on his shoulder from last night.

"I don't want her in the room. Princess, leave." Valentino muttered and Ivy frowned.

"Why? You watched me get mine done, why can't I watch you get tattooed?" She questioned, letting go of her shirt.

"Because I said so. Go wait with Joseph. He'll take you out for lunch."

Ivy walked over to him, going to storm out of the store when he grabbed her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles.


Ivy rolled her eyes, pulling away her hand. "Yes dad." Valentino mumbled something under his breath and Ivy smiled mischievously.

"I'm serious."

"Yes Sir, I'll be good. Just for you." She whispered cheekily, bending down to plant a kiss on Valentino's cheek. He gripped her jaw, colliding his lips with her and Ivy pulled back with a lopsided smile.

"Here. Take some cash and buy yourself something nice or shit." He muttered, pulling out his wallet and handing her five one hundred dollar bills. Ivy thanked him and rushed out of the store, Joseph right on her tail as they walked down the road.

"Wanna grab something to eat first before you spend his money?" Joseph muttered, handing Ivy a hoodie. She threw the hoodie on, bowing her head slightly and pulling the hood over her head. She might be capable of killing people with her bare hands and Joseph was with her as her unnecessary bodyguard but if someone from the agency or with ties with it saw her, he'd have all the assassins after her, not giving up until she was dead.

"Yeah, sure." She sighed as she pulled out a pair of sunglasses from her pocket and placed them over her eyes. Joseph lingered his hand on her back as he ushered her into the nearest cafe. Luckily, it was small and quiet so they were able to find a free table at the back of the store, away from the public's eye. Joseph ordered a coffee but Ivy settled on just a glass of water with a margherita pizza. Joseph didn't talk much and just held his phone, scrolling hopelessly at the artificial world that was at the reach of his palms.

Ivy sat quietly, munching away at the pizza as she savoured the warm taste of the melted mozzarella cheese. "Want some?" She offered the last few pizza's to him and he politely took the plate, taking a large bite of the slice. Ivy leaned back into the chair, tilting her head back as she let her food settle. The tattoo was still sensitive but Ivy was used to the pain, her body numbing it until it was just an irritating sting. Joseph finished the pizza and they left the cafe, Joseph paying for the food and drinks.

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