Society of The Blind Eye

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Open to a shot of Greasy's Diner. Lazy Susan is locking up the diner for the night..

Lazy Susan hums while sweeping a broom across the floor, "Ta dum, locking up. (peers at possums scurrying around in the dishes, pokes the possums with her broom) Shoo, possums, shoo! (She walks near a table) Git, McGucket, git! (pokes him with a broom, making him run out from underneath the table on all fours, panting, and mumbling incoherently.) Ta dum, ta dum... (locks the door) Good night, diner. Good night, trees. (She passes by the gnomes standing on top of each other, attempting to steal a pie.) Good night, tiny men stealing my pie. Wait, WHAT?! (Lifts her eyelid)"

Jeff appears once again, commanding some gnomes. "Lift with your knees. No, your knees. If I go one more hour without eating, I'm gonna resort to cannibalism. (notices Lazy Susan, and tips his hat.) Ma'am."

Lazy Susan shrieks. "Little magic men! What does it mean? What do I do? (bumps into a payphone and dials 911) Yes, hi. I's like to report something. I'm at Greasy's Diner. You won't believe what I've witnessed. (Cut to two figures sneaking up behind her, from a patch of nearby bushes) It's unbelievable! It's indescribable! It's- AAAAAAAH!!"

The figures sneak up behind her and kidnap her, dragging her away. "It is unseen."

The Blind Eye symbol is graffited on the wall).

"Welp, back to pie." The gnomes grab the pie and run off. A gnome accidentally drops a slice. "I was this close to eating you, Steve."

Cut to Y/n, Dipper, and Mabel's bedroom. Dipper is examining a poster board on his wall entitled 'Who is The Author?'

"Alright author, who are you? Who are you?..." Dipper chews on a pen, which accidentally breaks. "Blech! Not again."

He tosses it into a bin full of broken pens. Mabel runs in with a bottle, followed by Y/n walking slowly after, "Hey, bro-bro. Look what I got!"

Dipper sarcastically says, "Yay, a filthy green bottle!"

"It's a bottle message from our friend, Mermando. He was part fish, part man." Y/n explained, as he opened the bottle cap. "Although, I wonder what he wants."

Mabel look over Y/n's shoulder, "'Dear Mabel and Y/n...' So far so good! 'It is with a nice feeling' So far so good! '..that I must inform you both, I'm getting married'?!"

"WHAT??" Y/n looked at it more carefully. "'In order to prevent an undersea civil war... arranged wedding... Queen of the Manatees?! We'd like to invite you to our wedding...' I don't think he thought of how."

Mabel looks at the picture, "And she's so beautiful!"

Y/n crossed his arm, "I guess he's getting married. That's something..."

Mabel pulls out her scrapbook, "that's young love for you. On my first day here, I made this page for summer romances. Look at my luck. (Points to picture of Norman) Turned out to be gnomes, (Points to picture of Gideon) child psycho, (looks at Y/n) and now..."

Y/n started to sweat and looked the other way, "right well, I'm sure our Merman friend would like to forget about the arranged part."

Dipper added, "Hey, my summer mission isn't a huge success either. I'm still trying to find the author of this journal, but with this laptop smashed, I've lost any lead in finding him."

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