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I live in very strong wolf pack who is led by two of the most powerful wolves in our region. My grandpa Zeus, and my grandma Luna. Grandpa keeps our pack safe and protects us from harm, while grandma makes sure we get enough resources like food and water.

Then there are the Betas which two are my parents and one is my uncle. My mom is Briza, and my dad is Totem. They are very overprotective of us and never let us out of their sight. It's annoying to be quite honest. My uncle is Eragon he's actually very laid back and let's us do our own thing, like play in the snow or whatever.

Down to the Deltas, which are my cousins. The first one is Sierra which is one of the strongest girls in the pack. Dad picks her to help out with him the most when he's buildings our home. Which is kinda biased but whatever. Next is Cerberus, he is one of the guards of the pack. Has very high dominance, and probably one you shouldn't pick a fight with. After that is Mars, another guard of the group, high dominance, and yep you guessed it, one not to be messed with. Finally is Leia, the perfect child that never gets to any trouble. I bet Uncle Eragon would pick her as a favorite. She's just such a genuinely nice person. It's like she's effortlessly nice.

Last but not least is the Omegas, apparently known as the most annoying rank in the pack which is rude. Also, these are my siblings so we will start off with Lance, the oldest, and strongest one of our rank. He's ANOTHER guard of the pack. Yeah, we do have a lot of guards, but it's good for the pack though. Next up is Apollo, our 4th guard once again. Next is Loki, he's one of the chill wolves like Uncle Eragon. In fact, they love spending time around each other since their both so chill. Then we have Lupa, the clumsy stupid one. Lupa doesn't know how to do things right so we always tell her to follow our lead. Finally, there's me, Duke, I am in charge of our rank and make sure everone is in their place. You can basically call me the alpha of our rank because that's what I technically am.

We do get into drama and bicker about some things, but in the end, we have to stick each other, always.

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