Orientation seems...sketchy

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I may have had to drive two hours to get to the parking lot and another thirty minutes to find parking, but it was worth it to see this massive plex!

I took another quick glance at the email Mr. Rogers sent me. I followed the long line outside the doors to find the ticket booth.

A lot of parents were giving me hateful glares! I was going to work orientation, not trying to cut the line! Even some little tykes gave me a mean stare! But unlike the parents, the kids get a pass for being adorable and not knowing what was going on.

I read a few of the little nametags on the people handling tickets, passes, and wristbands, but could find no Maria??!?!

I only had about ten minutes until 8:30, and just decided to embarrass myself by going to the front and straight up asking for her.

"Excuse me miss?" the man at the booth spoke, almost clenching his teeth from making an annoyed gesture, he probably thought I was cutting the line, "Oh! I'm looking for Maria, Manager Rogers emailed me she-", his stiff face fell and immediately called out to the back, "YO MARIE! THE NEW HIRE IS HERE!" he then returned his attention to me, "She'll be with you in just a moment, please step aside" he pointed to the outer side of the booth next to the employee only entrance.

That seemed so professional at the beginning, and now that was just totally weird.

It only took the girl a few seconds to make her way to the door.

She was taller than me by a bit, but surprisingly didn't intimidate me.

"My name is Maria, here's your employee pass. Just head over to the main atrium and Mr. Rogers will be around waiting to give you the orientation spiel. Good Luck!", she pushed me in a random direction and I was just supposed to figure out what the 'atrium' was and how to get there?!?!??!?!?

I wandered around for a bit until I stumbled upon a wet floor sign, with eyes?

The little guy didn't speak, but it was pretty obvious that he was trying to keep partygoers and customers from slipping, he's just so cute!

I couldn't help whispering a little "keep it up little guy" while passing by, I only looked back for a moment to see his little digital eyes squint. I almost went back to give him a little hug but refrained when I almost ran into another more human-like robot.

"Please take a map?" He questioned me?

"Oh snap! Actually one would be really helpful", I realized and reached out to his hand.

"Thank you" he sputtered and just rolled away. Man I can't wait to meet the other animatronics if they're going to be as cool as those two!


After navigating the enormous plex I finally found the atrium! It was twenty minutes after Mr. Rogers had said, I really hope he doesn't fire me before I even begin! I need this in order to fulfill my dreams!!

"Lost face, a person who clearly has no idea where they are, and someone with a shiny employee lanyard. You must be the new hire"

I swear I jumped about ten feet in the air and squeaked, how was I supposed to know someone was behind me?!?!?!?

"Y-yes. That's me sir"

"Sir is stuffy, just call me Mr. Rogers, or Mr. R, doesn't really matter to me, let's just get this started shall we?"

He didn't even wait for an answer?! He just started walking!

I got the general gist of the layout of the place, but without the map the mapbot gave me, I wouldn't know where to begin. I was apparently supposed to stay in the daycare for most of my time anyways, so I should be good. I know where the employee break room and food distribution area was (apparently people who work here don't even get a cafeteria??) so I shouldn't be in too much trouble, I already located several emergency exits so we're all good here!

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