Reluctant and Hesitant

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It actually wasn't too hard to get into a daily rhythm. Sun mostly left me to my own devices when it came to playing with the kids who didn't want to play with the masses.

I wonder how Sun was able to keep an eye on so many different kids in the first place. I've only ever had a maximum of ten kids in my group and he's had to look after thirty to forty kids on average! He's impressive. I'll give him that, both Sun and Mr. Moon have proven that they can run this place just fine by themselves. I'm just glad they haven't kicked me out yet.

According to Mr. Rogers, Mr. Moon often kicks out new hires immediately if they get in his way. I mean I'm not surprised, but still...I'm glad I've lasted this long!

I've mostly gravitated to catering to the kids who can't handle Sun's energy, loud noises or lots of physical activity. It took me a while, but I was able to do some research on the different needs of certain kids.

I've compiled a brief list:

Jill has asthma.

Mark is mute (or selectively mute, still unclear)

Joseph has narcolepsy.

Miranda gets tired easily.

Little Suzie gets frightened easily.

May is scared of Sun.

Faith won't go to sleep unless she's cuddled with her plushy.

Fernando can't sleep without being beside his twin Faith.

Emma is shy and has a peanut allergy.

And Abby can't stand crowded or small places...

There's way more, but I've been able to figure out the regulars. I wonder why I wasn't trained in medical procedures?!??!? I wasn't even told where the epipens are! And heaven forbid me from knowing how to use a rescue inhaler!!!!

I figured I would ask Sun, but I think he's avoiding me? I tried talking to Mr. Moon too, but he usually just grunts and pulls a cable from the ceiling before I get a chance to talk! They're both so busy, I get it, kids need a lot of attention, but if I don't know how to properly care for them, this whole job isn't going to help me run an actual orphanage!!!!


After day eleven I figured I had gone long enough without asking. I googled enough to be able to administer an epipen and how to spot if Jill can't breath, I'm not completely ignorant at least.

The daycare was closed for the day, all kids were signed out, and the place was just about cleaned up. I figured it's now or never.

"Sun? Can I ask a question?"

"Oh yes yes yes new Friend, what can I help with!", for an animatronic who can barely emote, he's really animated, it comes in handy with empathizing with kids I assume.

"When I was hired...I don't think Mr. Rogers looked into any medical training" Sun's eerie smile seemed to twist. He started stepping towards me and it's only then do I get the revelation that this animatronic is about nine feet tall. Oh gosh is he going to smite me?!?!??!

"Oh? New Friend. What are you trying to say?" His twisted smile seems even more forced and if I don't give him answers now, I have the feeling things won't end too well!

"I-I was wondering if there were any F-Fazbear" he's coming closer, unconsciously I start stepping back towards the wall nearest to the security desk, seems Terry has left the building uh oh, "Fazbear approved resources for learning how to care for children with certain me-me-medical needs"

Sun relaxed for a minute, if I don't know any better he seemed to be taking a mental monologue moment.

"Oh Friend! Why didn't you just say so! Silly silly newbie! Moon and I are programmed with all sorts of medical care procedures", that does help my anxieties, but it still isn't what I'm asking, "I mean I want to learn" suddenly I realize how this must sound to them, "Not that you guys wouldn't be enough!" I hurry to tack on, "it's just that if there were multiple kids having an emergency at the same time or if you were unavailable, I'd like to be able to know how to handle a situation..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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