new beginnings

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There is a phrase in Hebrew that goes like this:
סוף זה תמיד התחלה

It means every and is also a beginning.
And I find it true.
When a year ends a new one taked its place, when life ends the pain starts

Anastasia pov

Six months, six long months, I kept in contact with Caitlin and Cisco and eventually forgave them.

I now work as a ninja trainer for little kids, it's not much but I like the kids.

I was happy at first when I left S.T.A.R labs but now, it feels empty

I can not believe I let Caitlin drag me to flash day, I mean what will I do here?
Look at Barry not coming?
I can do that at home.

"Good morning Central City." The mayor said, "a year ago our world changed, our city became ground zero for... some pretty weird stuff.
We got a brand new breed of criminals.
Man and woman who defied not only our laws but physics and reasons, but we got something else too, we got the flash." Cheers and clapping started.

"Our wounds run deep and I know many of you are afraid of what threats tomorrow may bring, but the flash doesn't just protect us he restores hope where it was lost.
That's why I am honored to present to key to the man who saved central city" the flash!" The mayor said and lifted the key a bit. Cheers again, God too much noise.

Silence, silence again, no Barry.
A gust of wind blew my hair, Barry.
I sighed a bit.

Just as Barry was about to take the key, yells, my god can't we get one free day?

Something big flew to where Barry and the mayor were standing, luckily Barry got both of them out there in time.

"And now, leg up," I said as the kids copied my move.

"Good job kiddos." I smiled at them as the clock showed that the lesson was over, My smile faded a bit as I saw Cisco.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked toward him.

"We need to get Barry back to us, and we can't do that without you." Cisco smiled.

"Are you sure?
He will not like it..." I said as I high-fived a kid.

"Are we ever sure about something?" Smiled Cisco.

Barry sped into the cortex, "what are you guys doing here?"

"What does it look like Allen?" I asked.

"Working," Iris added.

"So, Caitlin was right," Cisco said.

"Yes, all humans contain small amounts of radiation due to contact with cell phones, microwaves, television, etc, our bodies are natural conductors," Stein answered.

"I think our meta has been sucking up all the radiation around him and using it to power himself," Cisco stated.

"Which is why the X-ray machine at the hospital, failed that day at the rally," Iris added.

"So if we want to find him, we gotta look for places without radiation," I said.

"Alright guys, I don't want any of you here right now," Barry said.

"Tough. You need your partners, you need your friends." Joe said

"Barry everyone in this room cares about you, but we also care about this city.
We all want to make a difference, and that means fighting meta-humans, and that means working with the flash.
You can't deny it from us, not anymore." Iris stated.

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