The truth after the lie

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Anastasia pov

I stood next to Harry as he talked to his watch.

"Are you sure he will give you your daughter back?" I asked.

"No... But it's the best shot I've got." Harry said and continued to talk.

"Oh, hey," Barry said as he walked in.

"Hey," Harry replied, and I waved.

"You're here late," Barry said, and Harry hid the device we worked on.

"As are you, shouldn't you be out doing... Whatever it is that 26-year-old do on Thursday night?" Harry asked.

"I'm recently single... So I thought I'd tackle the breach problem, see if I could figure out a way to close them, and look like you had the same idea," Barry said as he lifted a book. "And Ana is here 26 and not doing...whatever it is that 26-year-old do on Thursday night." He added.

"Right well, I work better alone.
Don't bring Ana into this; she is quiet."

"Oh, no, haven't you heard the expression "two heads are better than one" or, in this case, three?" Barry asked.


"Must be an earth 1 thing."

"You understand, for me, that my Earth is Earth-1?" Harry asked


"Your Earth has yet to create CFL quark matter, and so it would take you too long to catch up on the science haul, so I'll do it by myself."

"This science?" Barry asked as he referred to the book in his hands.

"Yes, that science."

"Watch this." Barry started speed reading 

"That's annoying," I said.

All right, I'm all caught up for the next, like, 30 minutes, give or take. It looks like I missed one, though." Barry walked to the book behind me.

"All right, you can assist, but we're in charge."

"Yeah, you're in charge."

"What's the matter?"  Harry asked as he noticed Barry struggling.

"Um, not... I can't remember. Is the helicity of a particle left-handed if its spin and motion are the same or opposite?" Barry asked.
"It's..." I was about to answer but was interrupted by Barry
"No, hold on, I got it. Hold on, don't answer that." Barry said and sped read a book, "opposite. I knew that."

"You know that's annoying?" Harry asked.

"Uh, it's, you know, just got to... Recharge the old short-term every once in a while." Barry said, and Harry sighed.

"You know, this feels like old times." Barry smiled, and I erased the board I was writing on.

"Okay," Harry replied, annoyed.

"I mean, I know this is our first time working together, but I am learning a lot from you. The last Wells was a real mentor." Barry started, and Harry sighed. "He believed that I could do anything. He made me believe it."

"Okay." Harry sighed again.

"He opened up whole new worlds to me. I guess he was like another father almost." Barry continued.

Harry threw the eraser at Barry. "Stop it, all right?" 


"I did not ask for your help, okay? I certainly did not ask to be your mentor."

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