𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙤: 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤

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"What an odd bunch!" Hawks said "I should follow them... just in case they do something suspicious"

"I got some of us... 1300 Yen, That's not a lot... but this is enough for us to eat!" Y/N counted the yen she stole "That's good, I wanna eat large fries" Josuke said "Didn't you eat in the café?" Yasuho commented "Yes but I still want large fries! I only ate a little..." Josuke said "I want to eat H o r n e t s" Tooru said "Ew wtf Toowu" Y/N hid behind Josuke "Toowu?" Tooru tiled his head "Toowu? That's your name right???" Y/N Said as Yasuho giggled "Y/N its To-ru not To-wu" Yasuho Patted Y/N's head "Toowu is much better" Y/N said as Tooru smiled a bit "We need a place to stay... it's almost night" Yasuho said "How much is a motel here?" Josuke said "Paisley Park said that there's a hotel nearby... but... it cost 5000 yen and we only have 1300 yen!" Yasuho paused "There's 4 of us and we need at least 20000 yen to stay there and our yen is outdated..." Yasuho continued "A little stealing won't be that bad" Josuke said

"I'll use soft and wet to cover the eyes of our target and Y/N and Tooru grab their wallets," Josuke said "While you'll use Paisley park to find some info about them so we can still some of their shit" Josuke continued "All right!" Y/N said, "I mean we have no choice.." Yasuho said

"That guy over there! The one with black hair" Yasuho pointed at a girl with black hair and black eyes "Alright, Soft and wet!" Josuke Summoned Soft and Wet and removed her sight "What the... I feel like something is taken from me..." The girl said as Y/N and Tooru quickly ran to the girl and took her bag and took her wallet and ran back to Josuke "Holy crap! There's a lot of money in here! 1000000 yen in here!" Y/N whisper yelled, "That's enough money for us to eat and stay at a motel!!" Yasuho said "All right let's get going-"

"Excuse me!" A man landed down right next to the group, while Y/N hides the money in her pocket "Did you see something suspicious here?" The winged man said "Uhhh nope! Nothing suspicious here!" Yasuho said as she sent Paisley Park to check the winged man's phone 'He's a hero? I guess??' Yasuho thought to herself "stop playing dumb! I saw you steal that girl's wallet!" The man pointed at Y/N And Tooru 'O H S H I T' Y/N thought "Oh? Sir, I don't know what you're talking about? I Was only looking at that shop! I wanted to buy something there because the food looked good!" Josuke pointed at a fast-food restaurant "Stop acting! I know you stole that! The wallet is in the H/C girl's hand!" The winged man said as his wings disappeared and suddenly the feathers on his wings started attacking the group "FUCK FUCK! Y/N PROTECT YASUHO! TOORU JOIN ME FIGHT THIS FUCKER!" Josuke yelled the crowd starts to watch them "I knew it! You stole that wallet!" The man said

"Soft and wet!"

"Wonder of U!"

The two boys called out their stands. Soft and Wet quickly deflected the feathers while Wonder of U just waited for a calamity to happen "Y/N! TAKE YASUHO AWAY!" Tooru said as Y/N carried Yasuho "Wait what about Josuke and Tooru!?" Yasuho said "Don't worry about them! Their strong stand users!" Y/N said "Where the hell are you going?" A man said "Oh shiiittt" Y/N said "Y/N! THIS WAY!!" Yasuho yelled as she pointed at an alleyway "Come back!" The man yelled as he used his scarf to tie Y/N "To Be Loved!" Y/N manifested her stand, it held a bow, and it shot several heart arrows at the scarf "Finally!" Y/N ran towards the alleyway "Come back!" The man ran towards Y/N "this way!" Yasuho pointed to another alleyway

"Tooru do your damn thing!" Josuke yelled as Soft and Wet does several barrages on the feathers "MAYBE IF YOU STOP REFLECTED THE DAMN FEATHER THINGS MAYBE WONDER OF U CAN CAUSE A CALAMITY!!" Tooru yelled back "The hell are these two talking about?!" The winged man said "FINE! THERE!" Josuke yelled as Soft and Wet stopped punching the feathers and hid behind Wonder Of U. As the feathers tried to hit Josuke (Because they couldn't see Wonder Of U) a tiny rock falls into the sky and hits the winged man on the head "What the heck!?" The man held his head as the feathers fall down "A rock fell down on Hawks!" One of the people in the crowd said "Is that his quirk? Can he bring out rocks from the sky?" Another one says "C'mon Tooru let's catch up to Y/N and Yasuho!" Josuke opened his phone "Guide us to where Y/N and Yasuho is!"

Y/N was dodging the hobo man's attacks as he tried to stab her whilst making sure Yasuho is safe "Damn it! To Be Loved shoot this guy!" To Be Loved summoned its bow and shot at the hobo man several times, he dodges it and grabs his knife and tries to stab her but To Be Loved grabbed it "Y/N! YASUHO!" Josuke said "Soft and Wet!" Soft and Wet punched the man "Josuke! Tooru!" Yasuho hugged Josuke "Are they stand users?" Y/N said "Not sure... normal people can't see stands..." Tooru said "I used Paisley Park on this guy's phone, and he's a hero? I guess...?" Yasuho said "What? A hero? Not a stand user?" Tooru said "No wonder they couldn't see Soft and Wet!" Josuke said "Let's just steal his wallet-" Josuke went to grab his wallet but sounds of sirens stopped him from taking the man's wallet

"Put your hands up in the air!"

𝙏𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙♡| 𝙅𝙅𝘽𝘼 𝙭 𝙈𝙝𝙖 (Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now