💙Birth Story💙

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It was 12:45pm, Rachel Blume was in her lab studying a new gemstone one of her colleagues found while excavating. She worked as a gemologist, studying and finding new gemstones every day. Her husband, Isaac Iris, worked as a science professor at a college and was payed very well.

However, the happy married couple were expecting a new member of their family, for Rachel was pregnant. Any day now, the little baby could could pop into the world like no tomorrow. That day was today, June 30th, 1995.

At 6:23pm, Rachel started to feel contractions and decides to warn her husband. Isaac, who had tried to be calm, got her to the hospital. At the hospital while they were waiting in the lobby, it happened. Rachel's water had broke, and thus labor had begun.

Luckily, Isaac had prepared himself for a situation just like this. He made sure to get hot towels, regular towels, and some water. He helped his wife through every painful step of the way, making sure he didn't make her angry or stressed.

Finally after 7 excruciating and distressing hours, a baby girl was born. The doctors and nurses swaddled and cleaned up the baby and gave it to Rachel. "You did it honey." Isaac said as he hugs his wife. "She...She looks like you honey." Rachel panted out.

The small baby girl slowly grabbed her father's finger as he started to cry from joy. "What shall we name our bundle of dopamine and endorphins my love?" Isaac asks.

Rachel says:


O.C. Stories: Krystal IrisWhere stories live. Discover now