Toss and catch
Its easy
It's simple
Life is exciting and fun
Just a toss and a catch
Life is a breeze
You can juggle it with you eyes closed
All Is going well until...
Another ball is thrown at you
This one heavier than the first
But you catch it without stumbling
This one isn't much different
It just makes life a little bit harder
But you can manage
You'll still keep life in rhythm
Just like before
Toss, toss, catch, catch
But next thing you know
Again a new ball is thrown
But this time it hits you
Like a punch in the stomach
Your breath leaves your lungs
And you drop the balls
You quickly recover and scramble
To catch your life before it hits the ground
You grab them and start again
But this new rhythm is different
Harder, more difficult to control
But you find it
They way to juggle your life
Toss, toss, catch, toss, catch, catch
Again a ball is thrown
This one hurts
You feel part of yourself break
The balls fall to the ground
The pain is overwhelming
Not knowing what to do
Letting your life roll around
But after awhile you'll find it
You pick up the balls
And start again
Now it's easy
Being in control of your life
The balls begin to fly
The smile comes back
Sometimes you'll get really brave
And do a trick
Maybe close your eyes
And catch your life
While not knowing where it is
It's fun again
You feel like you can do anything
But then those balls are gone
Taken away
Just the first ball is left
But your happy
Life is easy again
No more worrying
No more stress
No more pain
Just a toss and a catch
Later you'll look off
And in the distance you'll see
Another ball
Slowly but surely coming
You know you can't stop it
When it gets to you
So you juggle the first ball
Enjoying life
Because you know the next one
Is still far off
Life continues to be
Like a dream
But when the next ball comes
When it hits you
You'll be gone
Random Poetry And Random Thoughts
Randomyup just random poetry some feelings and stuff too