Chapter 2

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Hero of the wrought iron, that was the name given to him over time, he did not earn it, it was not something he liked, he was not justice or a hero, nor was he someone who would be called righteous, he was a murderer, someone who for the good of all would kill anything.

The end justifies the means, he learned that in the most direct way possible.

What did he get?

Hands so stained that they would never hold anything, no one would remember him as someone who did good, just one person who killed so many that he could never go anywhere other than hell.

How much time have I already spent being the guardian of humanity?

The abyss that swallowed him indicated that soon he would end up in another time, in another era, in another plane, with the only objective of always.


If he felt his body he would like to laugh out loud, but it was not something possible, he was on his way to be summoned, as always, to fight, to kill.

At least once, even if it's just once, you'd like to...

Live once again.

____________________________________Change scene________

- So? -the voice of one of the soldiers sounded while he had the woman on the ground, the only thing that seemed to indicate that his life was still in the world, were the small moans, and his fingers touching that letter.

A black card like coal, or at least it looked like a letter.

Medea saw it, the dead edge of that sword, the how it did not shine in anything, the how it remained in nothingness, the rust with the steel.

The world lost color while watching that rusty sword, the gnawed and sharp blade in what was left, the handle broken and eaten away, it was nothing more than a double-edged sword so old that it seemed that any movement would be broken.

But, despite that appearance, he felt it, he as if he played with that weapon, he could end up splitting in half.

"Ar... -a whisper came from the woman as she tried to speak, the men above her watched her with interest, but the only one who was waiting for anything was the man with the sword in the woman's calf.

The only reason she hadn't been killed was the fact that they were ordered to deliver her alive and in a decent state.

"Archer...-that whisper was all the man needed to feel thousands of blades cut him off on all sides. I watch everywhere until I feel where that feeling came from.

The soldier drew his sword from the woman by ripping out a scream from the woman while watching the letter levitate, something was wrong with all that.

He bit his lip under his helmet while his men were still shocked by the sensation.

A withered sword came out of the card in it as it descended to the ground spreading out, he didn't like anything about it; when he was about to throw himself at the woman he saw it.

A red figure emerged taking the rusty sword on the ground, shortly after that, that sword moved.

Archer saw it, while he always met her on every line, it was the first time he was summoned by her.

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