chapter 3

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Emiya watched her, she was asleep, it was nothing like what she remembered, no, every moment she had lived with the Medea he knew could not be considered the same as with her.

He breathed as he walked to one of the shelves that were in the room, he had to say that the room they rented in the inn was truly complete unlike what he thought, he even had a few books.

He shook his head removing the useless thoughts and concentrated on grabbing a small brown cloth bag that was behind some books, opened it and noticed how many coins there were, enough to spend a season in that inn, but it was not what he wanted.

He turned his sight to the woman with washing hair while still could not make sense of the current situation, there was no holy grail system, or at least not that he knows, there were no traces of prana used anywhere so it was not possible that there was anyone who could use it, leaving aside the possibility of some magician within territory that covered the times he went out to see.

Speaking of covering, he was surprised by the number of people who tried to enter the room, most were people he recognized when Medea opened the window and saw the outside, there was a smile on the woman's face every time he looked outside.

Denying those thoughts, he decided it was time to wake her up, it wasn't like it bothered him, but truly the woman looked at ease while she rested.

Emiya stood still in the middle of the road to the bed seeing a little more the woman's face while she breathed and walked to the table in the center of the room, grabbing the book that was there she began to read it, cursed herself Could she do hundreds of aberrations and more but could not wake up the woman who was resting? Rin would laugh in his face if she saw him act again like when he was young.


Medea slowly opened her eyes while looking at the ceiling of the room, she could see the wood along with the ceiling completely revoked and sanded, the softness of the bed only helped to keep her calm; sitting on the bed and stretching out his arms he saw it, Archer, as he called himself, was reading a book while he had a teapot in front of him, next to it.

Food, a place to stay, and vigilance so that no one assaulted her, she had to say, it was as if everything bad she had endured was now being repaid, in those days that she was in complete peace were the days she felt best.


His expression of tranquility broke while he swallowed dry, Medea forgot, the issue of the payment of the debt, four days had passed in total since that, so, he only had three left, but he had no money at all.

She saw the man who was reading, for some moment she felt it, the need to stab him and take away his money, but she shook her head to herself while the thought vanished, maybe she would have stolen in the past, but only achieved until that, nothing more, she could not accept that thought.

"I see you wake up," the man's calm tone was audible while she laughed a little nervously not knowing how to approach the subject.

"Good morning," was the first thing that came to Mind for Medea as she got out of bed, the wound had closed in its entirety, so now she only had to walk slowly to the table, sitting carefully next to the man, not that she would have preferred it that way, it was the simple fact that she did not feel like going around the table completely to sit at the other end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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