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Jackie lurked into Jacks room, everything untouched she silently opened his closet and felt his still pressed suits taking in their painfully familiar smell. Setting the card board box on the edge of the bed folding them and placing them in the box. on the floor a shoe box lay there expecting shoes she opened a box filled with pictures, she sat on the ground and filled thru them.
Their wedding day
Jackie & Jack with baby Caroline
News paper clip announcing him winning president
Jackie & Jack with baby John and Caroline
Baby Patrick
She breathed in tears as she looked back at the box. there was a leather bound book a journal. A little surprised Jackie opened the book the front cover it read,

John F. Kennedy
August 7th 1963

Knowing what that day was she shed a tear.
"Oh Jack," she sighed rubbing her hand on the page, she continued reading

We lost him....

*these parts will be a flash backs*
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sorry Mr. President we did all we could."
He ran his hand threw his sandy hair
"How's Jackie?"
He nods
"A mess sir."
He bites back the tears and enters her room
"Jack I'm sorry" Jackie sobbed
"This was in Gods hands not yours"

Watching her cry made me think of the wrong I've done in this marriage if only she knew all the pain I've almost caused her

"Listen kid Patrick he's got Arabella looking after him and 2 siblings and 2 parents who love him very much"
Jackie sniffed agreeing

Dear Patrick Daddy loves you very much.
Dear Jackie I'm going to be a better man to you

Jackie stood up holding the journal and stalked to her room, with tears still down her face. Jack really did try to be a better husband after Patrick. She laid down on the bed hugging the book before opening it again.

Jacks JournalWhere stories live. Discover now