1: Cupid

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Please Excuse Mistakes

January 28, 1978
At Bailey Cathedral
Drew and Karen lock eyes for a brief moment. Drew felt like everything stopped for a moment and all he could see was Karen looking into his eyes. It's almost as if reality stopped for a couple of seconds. He started liking her more than he already did in that moment. He was in a trance but that was until someone was calling out his name.

"Drew, are you okay?" Twinkie asked Drew.

"Yea I'm alright. Would it be bad if I said I was digging one of your sisters?" Drew asked Twinkie.

"Depending on which sister you're referring to." Twinkie said to Drew.

"I'm not gonna say who it is because she's so beautiful but she might have a boyfriend and I don't want to overstep my boundaries if she does." Drew said.

"Let me guess it's Karen? If you're about to ask how do I know, well it's the way you was looking at her when she was on the balcony with my mom. Another reason how I know is because I feel like it was you who left that secret admirer letter in her locker at school a couple years ago and I saw the letter was written in your handwriting." Twinkie told Drew.

Flashback to 1977
Envelope: If you see this in your locker, it's for you Yes, You.

Dear Karen,

Sometimes in life it can be hard. It can be a task, challenge, and/or surprise. Often during the greatest challenge we find things out about ourselves that we never knew. In discovering those things we realize paths, dreams, and aspirations that we probably never thought about without the source of inspiration. In other words I hope the same for you and I. Great things are on the way.

               Sincerely , me

Flashback over
"You're right Twink because I am the person who sent that letter. Did Karen ever find out?" Drew asked Twinkie.

"Yea I told her it could've been you but she didn't believe it because she thinks you have your attention on different girls." Twinkie explained to him.

There is a huge misconception about Drew. He isn't a ladies man, he just has a lot of girls who flirt with him but he doesn't do it back. Drew is willing to flirt with only one girl and that's Karen. He hasn't felt this way about anyone including Cheyenne. Who is Cheyenne you may ask well that's his ex girlfriend who is crazy as hell and is willing to do damn near anything to get Drew back.

At Dr. Clark's House
Karen's P.O.V.
"Karen come here!" I heard Twinkie shout as she was coming into the house.

"I got something to tell you." Twinkie told me.
"What?" I asked.

"As you already know you had a secret admirer last year, well I found out who it was." She told me.

"Who?" I asked excitedly
because I was happy to know someone actually takes interest in me.

"Alright, he told me this just when we were talking at church and said he's been crushing on you for quite sometime now." Twinkie told while I was getting even more anticipated on who it was.

"It's John." She told me.

My mouth was left agape for a moment because I was in shock.

"Well aren't you gonna say anything?" Twinkie asked me.

"John aka neighbor boy likes me?" I asked in a shocked manner

"Yea." She told me.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend isn't her name Cheyenne?" I asked her.

"The last I heard him and Cheyenne broke up." Twinkie told me.

"On top of that he's such a ladies man. I alway see some little floozy on his arm when we go to church." I told to Twinkie.

"If he asks me out, what do you think I should say? I asked her.

"Personally I think if he does you should give him a chance to see what he's really about and to see if you had any misconceptions about him and to see if you like him the same way he likes you. But at the end of the day I think it's about what you wanna do." Twinkie told me.

"Well thanks Twink for your opinion. I'm going to bed now." I told Twinkie.

"Goodnight." We both said at the same time.

I did my nightly routine which consisted of taking a shower, brushing my teeth, washing my face, rolling up my hair, and then putting anti wrinkle cream on my face.

Before I went to sleep I suddenly started to think about John. Like if it's true that he's interested in me, out of all people why me. He could get any girl he wants. On top of that he's such a heartthrob. Honestly I don't even know I'm going so into depth into this. Alright the author of this story is gonna write back to y'all soon. I'm going to bed so Goodnight y'all.

Authors Notes:

How do y'all feel about this story? Please tell me in the comments because this is my first time publishing anything I've written.

I hope y'all enjoy this and thank all of y'all reading 🤍.

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