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Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.

I know it's hard to believe, but God existed before time began. Tough to imagine, but I guess when you're God you don't have to explain yourself. I want you to look at a spoon and tell yourself 'God created that spoon'. Then go out side and look at the city saying 'God created that world'. Finally, look at the sky and say ' God created the universe'.

God created from a tiny little ant to the whole universe and more just using a word. God literally spoke you, yes you, into creation with only one word ( or sentence, but who knows). He used no magic or illusions. Just a word. incredible ,right.

After making everything (including Adam and Eve) it says in Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he made, and it was very good... So everything was good in the eyes of God. God made Adam and Eve and the awesome thing is it says they where made on His own image. God made you and me in His own image. Not our neighbors but His own image. Now I know the Bible says that God is a spirit but what it means is we are made in His likeness. God is creative and so are we.

We may not be all-powerfull, all-wise, or perfect, but God made you like him in some way. God is not an uncaring ruler who rules from far away punishing and blessing us. He does care about us. You may not think this because something terrible is going, but from that terribleness will come something great. That something great will be because God loves and cares for you and will never give you too much to carry. Trust me.

When I was about 9 my dad got stage tree colon cancer on his birthday. After being said clear of cancer, a year later, they found stage two of liver cancer. I'm not accurate but at least you get the picture that he's here and health with no cancer because of God. When my friends are going though really tough times I like to tell them this ' there is a reason for everything. From the breathe you take to the big mistakes you make, there is a reason.

In the Garden of Eden there was no death, sin, suffering, or sadness. Everything was fine and dandie. The only rule was not to eat from the Tree of Life in the center of the garden. So how did we end up with sin? You'll have to see next week. :)


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