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Romans 12:4-5

For just as in one body we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function, so we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members of another.

Difference can be good and it can be bad. We are going to look at the best difference. You. Your difference is perfect. If someone says because you are different you are a loser than ignore them. Your difference is what makes up this world. With out our children who would live on earth? Without plumbers who fixes our sinks, tubs, toilets and more?  

Imagine this, their is this guy, Fred, who always gets A's, but he's horrible at getting friends. Then theirs this other guy,Drake, who gets all F's, but he is friends with everyone but Fred. Fred can help Drake be better at school while on the other hand Drake can help Fred talk to people.

I give you that example because it shows you that we have a purpose in life. To reach that purpose we must use our special gifts(our differences) given by God. Don't be ashamed of your differences. Your differences are what make you strong. You are born with a difference. Use that difference. It may seem like your wasting your time using that difference, but your not.

Say a girl goes does something wonderful for a hospital and what she does is put on the News(they are interviewed). A person who is struggling hers what this little girl says and decides to go to church.  She has then helped that person without knowing it.

The song above is not christian but it could be if you changed girl to human.

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