chapter 2

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-no one's pov-

As Naruto and sasuke finish up their tour around the school about an hour had passed. While there walking twords where the dorms are being built they get stopped by a group of girls. Those said girls start asking if sasuke is single or not. Naruto get mad at them and well,
-Naruto's pov-
Who the he'll do they think they are asking if he's single, well he is but. " Sorry we need to go girls." I say to the girls not realizing I had grabbed the Ravens hand and started pulling him along. " Um Naruto where are we going?" I hear sasuke ask me." Wha- oh uh sorry about that I just, oh the dorms. There still under construction they'll be ready after winter break." I say letting go of his hand as my face heats up. "Do you know how many people are allowed in a dorm room?" He askes looking out the school window. Why does it matter does he want to be alone or does he already know who he wants to be with, by he just moved here right.
"I think only two but they have to be the same gender so nothing happens I guess." I answer back starting to walk twords English class. "Why were you wondering?" I ask him as be jogs to me. "No reason." He replies back with no emotion .
Time skip to lunch
-Naruto's pov-
Where is that mutt at we promised we would eat together. "Naruto there you are i thought you would be in the back at our tree." Kiba says in between breaths. " we are sorry lets go." I say walking by Kiba's side. As were walking we pass Sasuke in the hall surrounded by a group of what im guessing fangirls. We pass him and he looks like he's in pain. Me and kiba continue walking and something in my body tells me to turn back and 'save' sasuke. I start walking back to where he's being surrounded. "Naruto what are you doing." I hear kiba yell at me. I ignore him. " sasuke was it." I ask making my way through the group of girls surrounding him. " uh yeah it is." He replies back. " alright your eating with me and kiba today." I say as I grab his wrist pulling him out of the swarm of girls. We're walking away and I hear a bunch of girls say things like hey you can't do that or don't pull him like the you'll hurt him. I roll my eyes at the comments. When we catch up to kiba he looks at me and yells something along the lines of when did I agree to sit with him and why does he have to sit with us. I said something back that probably didn't make sense but said it anyways and it shut kiba up. Once we get outside I loosen my grip on sasuke's wrist and when I do he slides his hand up on to my own. I pull away at the action and grab my wrist where his hand just was. Was he just trying to hold my hand WTF. I think to my self getting lost in my thoughts. When I realize I had stopped walking i look at sasuke and he smirks at me. I turn away and my fave heats up and I can just tell its all red and probably visible. I'm facing kiba still holding my wrist to my chest. He walks to my back and places his hands on my shoulders forcing me to move forward. Kiba says something to sasuke that I didn't hear. Then he turns to me and whispers in my ear, " your face is all red lover boy." And I swear if sasuke wasn't here right now I would beat kiba till there was nothing left. We walk another few feet or so till we get to our tree. I take my place sitting up against the tree and kiba sits in my lap. Were talking about how the school works and what groups to hang out with and witch ones not to. We advise him not to even mess with Sai's group because if his group doesn't like you they will fuck you up then make up some lame excuse to why they fucked you up. But yeah we talked about each of the teachers and how they work their rules for their rooms and everything. I'm running. My hands through Kiba's hair because we both find it very relaxing. I look up from my hands and see a pair of obsidian eyes staring my own. I feel heat rising on to my faces. And out of no where sasuke asked me/ us this, "Uh so are you to like um.... together." He says as he turns at the last word. "W-what" is the only thing I can manage to say. Lets be honest what else would you do if you and your best friend get asked if you were daiting other than laugh.
-Sasuke's pov-
I'm looking at the boy in front of me and the brightness he gives off is equal or more than the sun. I'm watching the two boys sitting in front of me and it makes me wonder two things one are they waiting and two could I pull off being blonde. And that answer is no I've already tried in middle school. I'm observing this work of art in front of me and I'm looking at his face and he had freckles?! Not noticeable ones tho they are like the ones that you would have to be extremely close to see them or had to have been looking his fae for a while. what not me. I'm looking at him more and more and god do I want to kiss him. I've only known this boy for a few hours at the most and I want him to be mine. My thoughts are interrupted as a pair of ocean eyes meet my own. My mind goes back to that first question. And instead of keeping it to my self i said it out loud. "Uh so are you to like um.... together.?" I say looking away because I don't want to be hurt if they are. "W-what, no no me and kiba are just friends. We have been for the longest time." The blonde boy says back.
-Kiba's pov-
Friendzoned again.

-Sasuke's pov-
"Ah oh s-sorry I I im gonna go i need to get to 7th hour bye." I say getting flustered as I leave.
I'm now in last hour and 7th hour was awkward because Naruto was in that class. That class being study hall. I only have a few more minutes before school gets out. As the bell rings I with everyone else gets up and files out of the room. I somehow ended up being the last one out. I ran into someone as I was leaving the room. Who the hell. "Ah well sorry I guess i didn't see you." A guy with short black hair says. The guy is wearing what looks like to be a crop top. One arent thoes for girls and Isn't it too cold to be wearing that. "I'm Sai and this is my crew, Neji, Shino, and Sasori." He says pointing to each of the boys behind them. Shit these are the guys naruto told me not to mess with. " uh yeah nice to meet you I have to go now." I say and sai stops me. " here let me put my number in your phone alright." He says taking my phone out of my hand. Omfg why did I have to run into him. I see Naruto walking my way, but before I can say anything the one he introduced as Neji says something. " what the he'll are you still doing here fag go home already your not welcomed here." My blood ran cold at the words. What the fuck does he mean by that damit I need to get away from these guys. I turn around to see the group of boys now laughing and glare at all of them. I grab my phone back from Sai's hand and turn around expecting to see Naruto but he's not there. Faster than I've probably ran in my life i run to the courtyard to see if he's there somewhere. Nothing he's gone. Good job sasuke all because you ran into these guys naruto thinks I'm associated with them now. As I leave the school grounds and head home. I see Naruto on the ground leaned up against a street pole. My body moves on its own to this boy. Before you know it im wrapping my arms around him and picking him up and walking to my house." Naruto are you ok?" I ask stopping. " Put me down!" Naruto demands. I do as he asked. " what the he'll were you doing with those guys i told you to stay away from them." Naruto says now crying. " look if i had a choice I wouldn't have I literally ran in to him." I say but I really wanted to ask him is he was gay because of the remarks Neji made earlier." Whatever." Naruto says before he bolts of down the street. I don't know what to do so i stand there in the middle of the street. I move to the side of the street as a car drives by. I start walking home and it takes a few minutes. I get to my yard and see someone with golden- blonde hair.

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